Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Up To Speed, Part 12: Gaining & Losing Ground

From January 2006 to April 2007 I studied online at Anaheim University and got my MBA. It was a lot of work, and kind of burned me out on reading however I'm trying to start again and work through the pile of books I have that are calling my name.
Tug passed away on July 29th, 2006. It was a tough time for us as many of you were with me as I wrote his story, and his decline in health through late 2005 to 2006. I stopped blogging about it because a few people wrote and asked me not to write anymore as it affected them so profoundly, that they felt were I to continue, the stories were so compelling, and yet so painful, that they would have to leave simply because it hurt so much. It was a very difficult time.
I still miss you, Tug. A LOT! I love you!


  1. I love Tug.

    And i LOVE you.

    Morning, Mou.

  2. I love you, Wouk... Beautiful Tug...

    That photo of the two of you has always been my favorite of Tug.

  3. Take it from someone who wrote ALOT about painful stuff.... Don't succumb to the few that have problems with whatever you write. My view on these blogs is to "keep it real"..... the good, the bad and the ugly. How can we truly know one another or learn anything, if everything we write is a bunch of "fluff"? You never know when sharing your true feelings can help someone else through their own difficult time.

    You may remember that I would POST and Blog about the negative messages I received. :)
    It put the kibosh on the cowards who wouldn't verbalize their feelings in the comments section of my blog.

    One guy sent me a message saying that what I wrote about depressed him and I should write about more "uplifting" subjects. My reply: "Why are you reading it them?"

    Love the photo montage of Tug!!! You must miss him....

  4. PC - I still do. I miss him a lot. Thanks. Regarding the negativity, I get a LOT of that on my YouTube videos. And it makes me laugh because they come, watch it, and then in this nearly unintelligible shorthand make some flippant comment about me being a "dork for doing a stupid video on how to use chopsticks and wouldn't it be better to just use a fork?" It makes me laugh, and I always comment back and thank them for their time they took to watch the video AS WELL AS the time they took to leave a comment. It's rather humorous. I love you.

  5. Cammy, I know how much Tug meant to you and I know that you will never forget him. I just know that there's another dog out there that needs you. Isn't it time for you to find a new four legged friend?. Have you thought about it?. I am not suggesting that you forget Tug.

  6. For some reason there are some YouTube viewers who are nasty little dipsticks. I learned this recently from some drama that drove a very dear person off YouTube entirely. Shame.

    I know how much you miss Tug. I miss my Lydia so much and I have no idea where she went or what might have happened. She just got gone one day last summer and never even said goodbye. She was the most amazing cat in the world and I still don't have closure because I keep hoping against the odds that she will return.

  7. insertMulTV('camswitzer:video:51','upload-camswitzer-51','',1,1);

  8. Thanks, Michelle! This is a great reply!

    You should update your photo with your current hairstyle. I like it! And actually, glasses look really good on you, did anyone ever tell you that?

    I love you!


  9. Thanks Sweetie............I will go do that now. No, up until now no one has ever told me that I look good in them. You made my day/night.
    I love you.

  10. it hurts when a friend dies ..but it fills the heart with love having spent a nice time together ..and from this you can drink all the time and feel good
