Monday, March 14, 2011

8 Times...

The TV just confirmed that the reactors are emitting 8 times the annual normal quantity of radiation we receive. PER HOUR!
Eight times by itself doesn't sound too bad but if we think a bit more...

... if we do the math that would be 8X24X365 times the normal amount. 70,080 times the normal amount of radiation we receive. This is at the source.

But... that's not how they are saying it of course.

Regarding Tokyo, they are currently saying that we shouldn't dally outdoors, keep our windows closed and wear masks. But other than that there is no need for concern in Tokyo.

Anybody want to come and keep me company? I would give you a glowing reception!


  1. Cam perhaps this is all part of our future evolution.... just use common sense and embrace the adventure. They just did a 20 year study on the Chernobyl incident and the outcome of high exposure to radiation was no where near what they thought it would be. The human body is remarkable at adapting. You know you always wanted a 3rd testicle anyway.... so go with it. :-P

    No in all seriousness an old schoolmate has reassured me a TON on your situation with the radiation that is why I can joke.... I promise when I need to I can have tact.

    My friend's name is James Riehl. "My Navy experience is in reactor operations (21 years and counting) and my degree is in Radiation Health Physics, so I'm not just talking out my butt."
    Here is what he said in brief, "If you want a little light reading, the UN/WHO 20th anniversary report on Chernobyl which I'll link to has a great summary (page 7 and 8) on all the findings to date from that accident. Bottom line is that it caused MUCH less harm than the average person thinks and was MUCH worse a disaster than anything that could happen in Japan. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might want to ask!"

    - I am sure if you had any more questions on what is best for you to do and practical ways to minimize exposure (the media has no clue) he would be happy to answer your questions. You can find him on my friends. Or just ask and I will contact him.

  2. I read that over on your blog. Oohhhh... enjoying another rock 'n roll!

    I love you & I'm embracing the adventure! Want to come and hold my third testicle?

  3. I would love to come to Tokyo.... actually I know I would be safe. But I'll pass on the testicle holding.

  4. a third ball,glowing blue.....
    i know there's a joke there somewhere *ponders*
