Friday, March 18, 2011

My Interview With Karen Black from CJOB

Here is an mp3 file of my interview. Sorry that the quality is poor but we didn't have a good connection. I was able to get a file, though.

Please let me know what you think.

And thanks for hanging in with me this entire week. What a ride!

I love you!


  1. the mp3 played fine,yes there were a few droupouts on your end,but not major ones.
    well answered dude.

  2. and good job taking the news back to the ole' home ;)

  3. *chuckles*
    you're now an official 'media contact'
    have to practice up on your 'polish'

  4. "Karen Black " ?

    Did you ask her about her starring role in 'Trilogy of Terror' ? (btw, if you haven't seen it, you may like the portion that seems to be a prelude to "Chuckie")

  5. It played well for the most part Cam. Only a tiny spot here and there where the connection wasnt the best. I thinkk you did a great job of sharing the information people want to know.
    My heart goes out to everyone effected by this tragic disaster. I've donated what I can to help with relief efforts, and I am keeping everyone in my prayers. (((HUG)))

  6. tks cam . good job .. but take care .. my thoughts with you and all around

  7. Great job Cam!!

    It says a great deal about the Japanese people trying to just get on with their lives.

