Thursday, March 10, 2011

Studies find Facebook impacts self-esteem

Hmm... I was a little surprised by the results of this "study" (conducted waaay back in 2009 - but you won't find that in this article, unless you follow the link) as so many other "studies" on SNS (Social Networking Systems) seem to point to opposite results.
I'll let you come to your own conclusions regarding this "article", but it is interesting to know that very few people are wealthy enough to conduct a "study" just because they want to. Almost all "studies" are funded by companies who are looking for results (natural human nature). The original news article doesn't say who has connections to this study (i.e. no disclosure), so we really shouldn't take this too seriously, methinks.

I will say that SNS, which has had a lot of positive impact, CAN be as addictive as gaming (Nintendo DS, PSP, online games, etc). How many people have experienced that feeling of frustration when Multiply, FB or Twitter is not working properly and you can't access your comments, or your friends messages? How many people, when starting blogging have said, "I have to leave, I love you all, but this is taking up too much time of my real life...." (and then come back to it, unable to stick to the committment)? How many of us check our various accounts through our smartphone devices that we carry with us all the time? Yes, SNS has definitely had a HUGE impact on the way we interact with the world in many positive and negative ways.
I love

Have a good day.


  1. What?! I don't think the study was very through at all, 3 test cases in each scenario? Lets see that after 300 in each... I would bet the conclusion would not be the same. Honestly you and I have been involved in SNS for a very long time. And have seen the full spectrum of personality. I still see it on FB sure there are the ones who have the "classic facebook pose almost oddly always taken in their car? That one perplexes me most??

    I like to network for many reasons, mostly because I have a voice and I know that my thoughts otherwise will not be heard and I want them to. I started my blog to journal originally, but it has sense become my platform. Sometimes its in the forefront if I feel passionately about something, but sometimes its not as my life has other things going on that keep me away.

    That is why I adore facebook I can spend 10 min in the morning, and I speed read so getting through the "news of my contacts is simple. And I check in various times throughout the day. I now have access to it on my android phone but that still seems less appealing as I like the full function of my computer.

    I think that there are people who fear social networks and make up these "negative" studies because they want to slow it down as it continues to grow and unite the people. That is what it is doing, btw one blog post on specific subjects can raise consciousness... before they kept everyone quietly in their home watching TV, and now more and more people are leaving that and going online to communicate, and open their minds to ideas.

    The voice of one is weak but that of many is strong.... one bad oil change and within an hour 300+ people on your facebook page know about it.
    it is a means to get the word out, and unite the people. Something many fear if they are not playing nice.....

    On the flip side it can also have positive effects if you get a great haircut, likewise everyone will know...

    That's just my take on this "study".

  2. I heard about this study a while back and still haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Maybe i will later when i get home.

    All you say it true, Cam but they say it affects self esteem?

    I think not.
    I guess if i felt guilty about the amount of time i devote to it all it might make me feel bad, but... guilt is such a small part of my nature.
    In the past ... maybe ten years, the only thing i have felt guilt about was the break up of my marriage. And that's because i felt i was hurting my husband and the kids.

    I feel no guilt about things that don't hurt other people, therefore my self esteem is not effected.
    The way i see it is... hey... i'm an addict... that's me.

  3. LOL Jen but what's your thoughts on people who put up profile pics with the lips all a puckered up to one side, all the while sitting in their car? That my friend is the REAL issue... WTF is up with that and why is it that so many people feel the need when they are in their car to take a photo of themselves? I tend to want to drive.....

  4. I haven't noticed that, P!
    Especially not on Facebook.

    Here on Multiply however, it makes me crazy the amount of people, women especially, who don't use their own photos as their avatar, some scantily dressed, highly sexual woman.
    The one's who use a famous person are a bit different. At least you can look at that as they are paying tribute to a favourite famous person.

    But those generic, sexy pictures... i think many times the women want people to believe that it's actually a picture of them.
    That's F'd up! LOL!

    I need to go look around for those puckered peeps in their cars... LOL! I honestly can't remember seeing those.
    I lead a sheltered online life i guess ;-P

  5. Yes Jen that drives me nuts too, and I agree those people I steer clear of generally because I don't trust them to be who they say they are. I have pics of me up, not because I am vein or have NPD but because I want people to see and know I am a REAL person not pretending to be anyone other than who I am.

    Its usually the younger crowd, but honestly after I posted that above an adult friend had two picks in her car, without the "pout" look but a car none the less?

  6. LOL! People are weird, aren't they.

    And i'm like you... I want to be known as a real person, with a real life.
    It's why i post about my kids and my house and gardens.

    It's what i tell my off-line friends who don't quite get it and think SNS users are just a bunch of phonies making up stuff about themselves.
    I'm sure there are people like that but not in my circle of friends.
    I'm not into mystery. I consider my contacts friends and i wouldn't be friends with someone who is secretive or dishonest.

  7. Jen - the surprise in this survey is not what you think. Your respnse was similar to mine until reading the results... You'll see... your reaction to the title (and mine) was the reason why I posted this. Were it just another run of the mill result that we are all tired of hearing, believe me, I wouldn't be wasting your time.

    Paula - I'll get my hair cut on Sunday so will post a new photo of me. Sorry I don't own a car now, though...

  8. WTF????

    That was the dumbest "study" i ever read!

    Or maybe i'm just ...different... weirdly so?

    Firstly the one that studied students might have some validity,
    Young people do have issues of self esteem and do spend an inordinate amount of time communicating online so maybe they do experience a boost in self esteem that way.
    I think it's my kids generation who list THOUSANDS as "friends". That's just impossible, so they are getting some kind of boost to say they have that many friends..*shrug*

    As far as the women... OMG, i can not believe that one!
    I don't know women who are that vain... and i don't WANT to know them if they get their sense of self from posting pictures of themselves on Facebook.... really? Is that true?

    I just don't get it.

    Am i missing something?
    It was just a one page study, right.
    I kept looking for more..... i'm confused.

  9. OMG! You guys....

    I've been so baaaddd...
    But look at my latest post.
    I had a bit of fun with a right-wing-nut.
    Not only because she was spouting garbage, but also because she had one of those sexy kitten avatars.
    I couldn't resist....
    I might actually feel some guilt about it later..... nahhhh... She asked for it ;-)

  10. No Jen its a lame study... that is why I said if they actually applied the control test to a larger group the results would more than likely vary.

    I do know and have seen a "few" women who want everyone on their page... and have sexy or provocative photos up but I also often wonder if it is them as we talked about above?

    I think most of us know most of our contacts either personally, via work, school or as long term online connections. Its not random lets get to 1000 friends kind of stuff.

  11. I chuckle watching the icons of the unknown followers on Twitter appear for a while... and then disappear when they realize I am NOT going to follow them. It is plainly obvious what they are fishing for... That's about the only pleasure I get from Twitter to tell the truth...
    It happened on 360 and Multiply as well and people who asked to be friends would get pissed off when I didn't visit and comment on their stuff. As Jen is often wont to say, "fuck 'em".
    (I've come a long way, eh baby?)

  12. Can some one point me in the direction of these pouting car inhabiting wimmin?

    And I REALLY am Dennis the Menace!;~}
