Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TickerTapeNews for Japan 2010/03/31

Here are the main news headlines from NHK Online, as of 2011/03/31, 13:00. We've got a ways to go yet, that's for sure. But we'll get there. One. Step. At. A. Time.

I love you!
Have a good one.
* Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says the UN nuclear watchdog IAEA detected higher than the standard levels of radiation in soil at Iitate village in Fukushima outside of the evacuation area from the damaged Daiichi nuclear power plant.
* Workers are still struggling to resolve the problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant where the disposal of radioactive water is hindering cooling efforts.
* Teams working on the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant are going to use a synthetic resin to try and prevent radioactive dust from becoming airborne or being washed into the sea.
* The UN nuclear watchdog, IAEA, has decided to dispatch a marine environmental expert to Fukushima to analyze seawater around the troubled nuclear power plant.
* US President Barack Obama has reiterated his support for more nuclear power despite growing public concern in the wake of the crisis at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant.
* The number of dead continues to rise in quake and tsunami-hit eastern Japan. Police say the confirmed death toll rose to 11,417 as of Thursday morning while 16,273 people remain missing.
* Disaster-hit northeastern Japan still faces acute shortages of gasoline and other fuels due to damaged transportation and distribution systems.
* Honda Motor will reduce vehicle production at its 5 plants in North America from Wednesday, due to expected shortages of car parts from Japan.
* Libyan foreign minister Mousa Kousa has conveyed to the British government his decision to resign.
* A senior North Korean official has indicated the country would agree to have its uranium enrichment program on the agenda at the 6-party talks on the North's nuclear program.
* Tokyo stocks at Thursday morning close: Nikkei 225 9,705.91 down 2.88 TOPIX 865.94 down 0.15 from Wednesday.