Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nuclear Reactor Plant #3 Bows its Top

The roof of reactor #3 just blew spewing radioactive steam into the air at 11:40 this morning. They are warning everyone within a 20km radius to stay indoors. As if radioactivity knocks and asks for permission to enter...

What a lovely time to be in Japan...


  1. This is going from bad to worse, get the hell outta there.

  2. Oh crap, Cam! How far are you from there?
    Just this minute heard that there could be another tsunami on the way there. Have you heard that?

    Are there flights out of there?

    This is such bad news.
    Please take every precaution.
    You're not going to that office up in the mountains ( i forgot the name) today are you?
    Do you have to work?

  3. IMO, he better or he'll be heading into a different office in the mountains called Heaven.

    Cam, is there any way whatsoever to convince you to leave.....seriously dude.

  4. Unless he can sprout wings i'm sure that is easier said than done.
    I'm sure there are flight restrictions...or delays of days, if not weeks!

  5. News riight now--- There's approx. an 85% chance of a major earthquake, 7.0 or higher, in Japan within the next three days.

    85% ? -- Are you kiddin me. .....Cam, leave now.

  6. Cam what is your intuition telling you? I would take a long pause and listen go with your first instinct, do not doubt yourself. I have been asking the universe for your safety. I have up until this morning felt you were fine there, but now I am not getting that vibe and I am going to be honest because I care as do I know Jen and your other friends.

    I believe its time you take a serious listen to what the universe is saying to you. Its not fear, but to keep you safe you may have to make the choice to go.

    I will support you no matter what you choose of course and you wont hear any more from me. This will be my one pleading post.... but please listen to what I and the others are saying. But more important listen to your own instincts and what they are saying....

    I love you.

  7. whatever you think dude
    just keep your feet under you and your eyes open

  8. I can't go into the mountains. The trains are shut down. Its impossible to just jump on an airplane and leave the country. I'm here with Japan and whatever happens will happen. I will continue to be here and help anyone who needs it as long as I am physically able. I won't bolt in times of trouble. I talk the talk, and as Paula said to me in an email, I also walk the walk.

    What does my soul tell me? To continue doing what I do best.

  9. OK.... that is what you'll do then, and your intuition knows you best and what is best so I will go with it and I will continue to see you safe.

  10. At least get some lead lined underwear.
