Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Numbers Don't Add Up

Here is the first
paragraph of the typical news that is floating around.

How everyone could DARE to
continue reporting this makes absolutely NO SENSE to me.




"Radiation levels around
the Fukushima Daiichi plant rose to 8 times the legal limit
(Point 1)
, according to the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) as reported by BBC News. After the third
explosion (on Tuesday morning in Japan), the radiation reading rose to
8217 microsieverts an hour (Point 2)
, having stood at
1941 just an hour earlier. The annual legal limit is 1000
(Point 3)


So... EVERYONE is saying
that 8,217MSv PER HOUR is 8X the legal
limit of 1,000MSv PER


Even an elementary student
can see that 8,000/HOUR is not equal to 8X 1,000/YEAR.


How can reporters be so


To read the rest of the
article, you need to log in at:

"Radiation From Japan's
Nuclear Plant Now Poses Health Risk"


Again, this is just
another of extremely poor, irresponsible reporting.


I'll try to add the PDF I
made, but I don't know if it will be posted (Posterous.com works well, but not
that well).


I love



  1. The media in this country misreport facts and slant the news routinely......their subject matter is simply different.

  2. I doubt highly that the BBC has reporters educated in the USA.

    A lot of people from a lot of places are stupid! I guess a lot of them just go into news reporting.

  3. math is not the leftie media strong point

  4. ....sigh....

    Right... let's make this tragedy a Left/Right issue....

    Talk about stupid....

  5. I am talking about the media reporting has nothing to do with the disaster.. you're not too good in math either I bet

  6. Out of respect for Cam, i'll refrain from telling you what i want.
    But the site of that reactor spells out part of it....
    Figure it out.

  7. For "them" it's always the time....

    Sorry, Cam.

  8. listen you have your opinions other people have theirs.. don't go calling other people stupid then act holier than thou

  9. when people are dying through no fault of their own other than birthplace you can shut your mouth and help...
    if you need help with math go google it.
    you want a fight you'd better wait until we can sit down for the next beer and Then we'll go outside afterward.
    have some civility :|

  10. first of all I am responding to the thread about reporters being stupid in this post with the numbers.. the one starting to be uncivil is certainly not I.. go outside afterward for what hand to hand combat? now that is really civil

  11. it's a continually challenged measurement of what is observable,and what it means is a matter for clear and provable experiment to decide

  12. i will agree that the media can get it wrong,and cam did open the door for the discussion...but let's Try and take care of the people here first eh?
    we can argue later....

  13. Shadow, Jen, Hermit - Shhhhhhhhhh. Focus on the reporters to represent details. But of course if you want to talk about this all being God's wrath upon the Japanese for not converting to god-fearing Christians, or for being sneaky and bombing successfully Pearl Harbor, or as payback for the atrocities in Manchuria or the occupation of Korea, by all means go ahead!

  14. pass....
    just see the people and yourself to safety cam ;)

  15. yes but we weren't arguing over science but personal opinions.. but back to the blog of stupid reporters

  16. Now is not the time to show the ugly side of humanity, but lets try to show the positive GOOD side and focus that energy instead on what needs to be done, loving one another despite our differences of opinions.

    I think what Cam was saying does not in fact point to ALL reporters, I know many who are very educated, I think what this boils down to is "fact checking" or lack there of and reporting too quickly before making sure A=B except perhaps after C.....

    At some point we have to put aside our religion, political, state, or country affiliation and instead start working together as the shipmates we actually are..

    I love you Cam and hope this new set of crisis Japan is short lived and not nearly as bad as the media first thinks it might be.... stay strong, and stay calm and stay grounded.
