Saturday, March 19, 2011

Since 7pm they have been pumping seawater into the #1-#3 Fukushima reactors and the newspaper claims that the cores are being cooled.


  1. That's hopefully some good news....if it's true, and if it continues.

    But I also awoke to news that Japan is banning food sales from the prefuncture where the plant is located. Milk, spinach and water is contaminated with radiation. Also heard radiation has been detected in Tokyo's water supply. Don't know how much but any amount can't be good. Plus if it's there today, no doubt the level will rise in the upcoming days.

    As always, be careful.

    Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

  2. Earnest - What the Hell has the Lord got to do with this? Let's just keep God and all the other gods out of this man-made disaster, shall we? There's enough shit going on already; we don't need Him butting in.

  3. that's not true~in lab tests of micro-organisms some strains actually show Reduced viability in a carefully maintained zero radiation enviournment.
    life on earth evolved with a certain level of background radiation,and expects it.

    what particular increases of what radioactive elements will determine whether it's a problem or not.
    you can detect radiation in every single water supply on the planet *~* that's why i drink beer instead

  4. Bananas (high in potassium), cell phone's, microwaves, well water, granite counter tops, computers, the sun, and MEN... yes men have higher levels of radiation than women. Radiation is apart of our life on this planet. We are amazing adaptable humans that when pushed can tolerate a lot. I have flat out stopped watching the news as they are full of trying to scare the piss out of everyone. Instead I go and find actual experts opinions and see that my dear friend is very much fine. Hell the huge neon signs in Tokyo put off radiation. If it grew in the sun its got radiation... I could go on.

    Sure right around the plant there are some issues and they will need to watch the 50 or so workers very closely over the coming years to see the total effect of this for them and those directly associated to the plant. But with a little time this too shall pass.

    I think the bigger picture here is realizing we do not need nuclear powered "steam plants" but our technology as it is could come up with plenty of alternatives and now with this disaster we can realize that its time. Push pull methods of energy are endless just using the tides. Our earth provides plenty of free energy, we live on a hot bed geothermal could create a lot of free energy if we figure out how to harness these sources. The technology is there, its just overriding the mucky mucks who keep us paying into their polluting ways of energy that are not free.

    And I am with Cam and the others, I am so sick of smug people pointing the finger at "GOD" as this tyrant coming to "smite mankind" that is just more man made bullshit, rather like the media broadcasts right now to instill control and fear. Please wake up... (sorry Cam had to say it, you know me).

    I believe in humanity, and I believe that our bodies are far more divine and capable than we are lead to believe if we only take a moment to do so. Cam, stay calm, stay the course your following, be the light by example and remember I love u!

  5. Where are you seeing that ?.....I haven't seen anyone blame God but don't deny that some would.

  6. Whoa !

    I hadn't seen this yet. I think there's a misunderstanding.

    I post "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" on many of my entries here on Multiply. That phrase is simply a reminder to be good to others A reminder to pray. And a reminder to prepare ourselves for whenever it comes that we leave this earth.

    It has nothing to do with Japan's plight at all.

  7. Its the "end times' and on and on. Its out there... Its in comments here and there all over. I am sensitive to it perhaps as I have a lot of religious family and friends. Who think for sure I am going to hell... as I have very different views.

    Forgive me if I seemed snippet, I didn't intend to, as I just re read that post and it was not my intention whatsoever, I can have a very dry sense of humor. I am only trying to point out that there is a lot of miss information going around and that brings fear, and fear changes the energy of, tensions grow high and that serves no helpful purpose.

  8. Earnest, this goes to show... how easily one can be misunderstood. NO hard feelings.

  9. Earnest - Don't worry, we're just giving you a hard time. Welcome to the Circle where we tease, push, test the waters but all in good nature. If you believe in God, that's great. I tend to go for The Universe to avoid personalizing the power that created all and that which is in all of us. Some people don't feel comfortable with that because to them God IS personal. And that's OK too. Don't worry, OK? There has been some recent American evangelists saying this was all God's wrath for the Japanese not following the 10 Christian commandments which is utter bullshit, so I think that all popped into our minds when you added your signature. So I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. You ARE welcome here, I promise.

  10. P.S. She's Irish. That explains everything, right Sis?

  11. Yes... I am very Irish at times. LOL

    Really Earnest Cam's correct we are all fun loving and able to poke fun, and lord knows we can debate an issue from every aspect but at the end of the day we all mutually love and respect each other.

  12. *teasing* hands earnest a blow up doll*
    peace dude ....

  13. Earnest - Do you mind if I grope you while I'm hugging you?

  14. Sure.. just don't get grabby! LOL
