Thursday, March 31, 2011

Here's why we have rolling blackouts in Tokyo when only 2.5% of the total energy source is compro

"Respectfully Yours John S." asked me a few weeks ago why on earth TEPCO had to start "rolling blackouts" in Tokyo and the outlying areas after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactors went into "disaster mode". This article explains very well why, when nuclear energy in Japan makes up 35% of Japan's total energy production, and four out of 55 nuclear reactors across the country are compromised (that works out to 2.5% of Energy production compromised) TEPCO decided to initiate power outages.

If you aren't interested in reading the article, here's a quick summary:

Japanese electric companies are extremely greedy, do everything possible to prevent competition, and should all get slammed for anti-competition infractions!

I recommend taking a look at the article; it's quite an eye-opener.



  1. now That is a valid rant
    shall we hear about it on your next call to winnepeg ?

  2. that way you'll sound balanced instead of just sunshine and joy ;)

  3. Nah, Gotta paint an upbeat picture. The media gets off on death, destruction and scandal. Id rather spread some radioactive love that has a halflife of a bazillion years.

  4. *chuckles*
    shy of transparency ??
    you'll lose your rating y'know

    (checked out newsweeks report compared to yours...they got a 'D' )

  5. throw the historical dynamic in there to explain and i've give you a b+
    consider how to change the dynamic in addition you get an 'A'

  6. lot's of hard fighters in japan cam
    no choice given the nature of the island.
    ...we Need them in the global economy
    ...leaves the rest unsaid....

  7. I don't even need to read the article. To understand greed and just an excuse to raise rates and set a perception of an issue. I lived in CA during the rolling blackouts that happened while Governor Gray Davis was in office. What a crock of shit. They raised our rates exponentially over night. I had a 900 dollar power bill one month (we were all electric) when it used to run no more than about 250 in the winter. We didn't even have an air conditioner. They raised the rates, and had the excuse to push through a few new power plant builds bi passing a lot of the EPA's red tape because people were thinking OMG we need power.

    Later we found out it was a bad deal Davis was responsible for signing some lame contract for power and we impeached him for it. Then Aaaarnold became our Govonator.... funny thing is our rates NEVER went back down but by a few pennies.... total bullshit.

    Same thing happens when someone stubs their toe in the middle east... our gas prices go through the roof. I see it for what it is, but that being said. I just focus on the day when energy is free and those SOB's can all go FUCK themselves, as when this day comes (and it will) THEMSELVES will be the only person they will be allowed to do that to. :-)

    Free energy.... its already possible, and it's about time.
