Monday, March 21, 2011

I watched "The Road" last night.... OH. MY. GOD. (acting was, in my opinion, superb). But OH. MY. GOD.


  1. A father and son trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world (USA) where there is no food, no nature, nothing.

  2. the book was a VERY hard read - the movie was fabulous. Loved it and would highly recommend. But, uh, mebbe not on a night where you're feeling glum.

  3. I am avoiding apocalyptic type of movies, as I don't want any help manifesting them...LOL

    I watched Shutter Island last night (for the 2nd time) as I wanted to see if I caught on to the subtle cues. It is done pretty well.

  4. Acting was great.... but I quickly lost my appetite for popcorn.

  5. hey cam...i don't ask often~but pop over to my last couple of blogs?
