Friday, March 4, 2011

Happiness @ Work

D posted a link on job happiness in a recent Note I shared from the Universe.

Here are the results for you. What do you think? Do you agree? Somewhat agree? Somewhat disagree? Disagree? Let's hear what makes YOU happiest at work! After all, it's not what "everyone" think, but actually what YOU think that is most important.

"In a Gallup survey last year, 48 percent of workers in the United States reported being "completely satisfied" with their job, slightly below the 50 percent who said the same in 2009 but above the 39 percent to 43 percent readings in most years between 2001 and 2006. As a whole, U.S. workers have generally become happier with their jobs over the past decade.

"So what are the reasons for happiness at work, and how can we use them to learn to take pleasure in our jobs?

Gallup found that the most satisfying factors at work are:

physical safety (78 percent),
relations with coworkers (70 percent),
schedule flexibility (64 percent),
vacation time (60 percent),
relations with a boss (58 percent),
workload (55 percent),
job security (51 percent) and
recognition for accomplishments (49 percent). "

Here is the link to that article (it's very good and worth reading):

If you would like to see the actual Gallup Poll (2010/08): 

Have a great day, and remember: You can CHOOSE to be happy.

I love you!


  1. They are just grateful to HAVE a JOB. That is why... I would put a wager on that one honestly. I just read an article not long ago on NPR that said people were so thankful to get back into the job market in their field that they were accepting jobs at far less (average $10 hr) than what they made in that field before, but because they had gone 1-2 years searching they had to finally lower their expectations to find any employment. So people with Master's Degrees are now working at just above minimum wage... and darn happy to do so.

    I think I posted that article on my fb page? I will see if I can find it.

  2. I just read an article on NPR that "Americans are EVEN FATTER than Canadians"! I guess that must be pretty bad since Canadians are pretty fat.

  3. Yes some are very fat... sadly. It's their diets and their trust in the FDA that makes them so. Also they work, go home, sit on their butts and watch TV, seeing ads for all this "healthy low fat" crap.... so they eat twice as much of the bad stuff and not enough of the good stuff.

    I used to have that problem, then I woke up started eating what I should and moved my body every day, a lot changed for me after that. I think the more fat you carry around the more despondent you become. Its sad what is happening...

    I on the other hand got my blood work back yesterday and my triglycerides were 43. Anything under 100 is optimal.... total cholesterol 148. With the correct balance of HDL and LDL. And I eat butter... and lots and lots of animal fat. GASP, and nuts... EEEKS!!! But I don't eat McDonald's... sorry, icky stuff. LOL I will however sneak the occasional pizza, like last night. But you have to live a little after all...

    But that beings said I wasn't always this way, I just woke up to thinking for myself and not trusting everything I am told to believe is good, and that comes to all venues including religion.

  4. Money. Otherwise I might just as well be out surfing and actually enjoying myself.
