Monday, March 14, 2011

A Donation

It's quiet(er) in the earth today. The tremors are not as frequent nor as strong. Since 01:11 this morning there have only been 20 earthquakes (#20 at 10:41am) with the strongest being about magnitude 4 at the epicenter.

I decided that I really need to do something regarding helping the victims of the earthquake/tsunami. But what?

Kyoko showed me the Google Crisis Response Page that has access to a lot of important bits of information such as alarm and warning, disaster message boards, a person finder, shelter info, blackout info, flight and train info and more. You can access this site at and select English in the upper right corner if it doesn't automatically go to the language of yor presence.

On the page is a Google Checkout spot that allows people to make donations to the Japanese Red Cross. So I did.

I hope it makes a little difference.

I love you.


  1. Having trouble accessing that http address Cam, from Google Chrome AND Firefox... is the spelling correct? Will try again in the morning.

  2. OK I fixed the link. I had typed mm instead of // with my thumbs on my cell phone. Sorry.

  3. Done, Cam. :)

    Just to point out to anyone who goes over to donate - the site looks like it's specifying one of two monetary amounts you can donate - either 50,000 yen or 100 yen. But you can put in whatever amount you want... me and Shane have sent 8,000 yen, which is just about $98.

    You DO need a Google email account. I haven't used mine in over three years - can't believe I remembered my password first time, lol! Only takes a minute to register if you don't already have one. ;)

    Shane's already put a link to this on his blog - I'm about to do the same.

    Stay safe Cam. *Hugs*

  4. Thanks guys.Just to clarify Mousie's point, the minimum is 100 yen (about a dollar) and the max is 50,000 (about 500 dollars).

    More earthquakes making the building rock a bit.

  5. I am mailing my cheque to the Red Cross tomorrow morning, they are going to need every penny they can get !!
