Monday, March 14, 2011

Seeing Things Differently

Have you ever read a series of books that are so compelling you simply cannot put them down? Your entire life seems to get put on hold as you desperately cling to the lives of the characters in the story while they go through one adventure after another. But after a while, when these amazing, unbelievable stories continue, you start to think, "When is it going to end?" Sometimes the stories lose their lustre, as if the author of the epic Herself has gotten tired. The adventures begin to tarnish, and you hope that there will be an ENDING to the story, a HAPPY ending, of course, but an ending.


By now I'm sure you have all grown tired of the current Epic Adventure occurring in Japan and you are probably saying to yourself, "Please end the story soon, but don't kill off the main characters to do so! I want to get on with my life!" I totally understand that feeling.


So... in order to bring you a little respite, let's see if we can change our perspective a little bit. You know how it works, right? "Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones." Right. You put out the energy that comes back to you amplified, whether it is positive or negative. And HOW you perceive an incident that occurs actually completely changes the event in itself. I know that some people will disagree here and say that an event is an event and how you look at it changes nothing. To each their own, I guess. I prefer to believe that you CAN change the event, simply by seeing things differently.


This weekend was a weekend that will go down in the annals of history. It was one of those "once in a lifetime" experiences that we can look back on and say, "Wow...." knowing with total confidence that we are not over exaggerating in the least. Think Disney's Space Mountain, the scariest Haunted House you can imagine, and Six Flags (Six? Five?), Pirates of the Caribbean, the gnarliest roller coaster you have ever ridden and more, all rolled into one. Add to that the most compelling suspense story that would make even Hitchcock shudder, a Love Story to make Jackie Collins blush, adventure, terror and everything you could possibly recall in your life all rolled into one short weekend.


It was the kind of weekend that we will recall a hundred years from now and retell, over and over to thousands of listeners who will never tire of hearing it again. They will think that we have embellished the truth even though they will beg us to tell them again and again and again. And we will smile with the remembrance of it all, tucked away in heart heart, unable to forget a single detail, and able to recall even the most minute aspect of the adventure, even in our dreams.


Friday began ordinarily enough as a regular work day. Over the morning, a few exciting jumps in the schedule occurred, but we carried on with work as usual. Then at 14:46, the REAL adventure began, and the roller coaster ride that would never be forgotten had started. People were all talking excitedly, hunkering down for the duration of the event, and eventually heading out into the streets to share in their experiences with others in the neighbourhood.


When the news came rolling in like an epic tsunami in a movie, we all realized that "spring house cleaning" of epic proportions had begun in the north and that spring was indeed here with a bang! Mother Nature was doing her best to remind us of her existence so that we would all respect her even more.


The powers that have ultimate control over everything, the mass transit system included, decided that the population of Tokyo would do well to spend some quality time together. So they took it upon themselves to give us the opportunity to experience camaraderie as well as a decent amount of physical exercise together. In addition to that, we all re-learned the true value of community.


Then things started to heat up in the north, and we all realized that "spring was in the air" and something big was bound to happen. We continued to share in the unbelievable epic adventure that our brothers and sisters had themselves embarked upon. It was so unbelievable, so utterly “fantastic” that we stood with our jaws ajar, our eyes popped wide, and our entire bodies trembling in anticipation, wondering what would happen next. How would this story play out?


Eventually those of us in Tokyo all headed home and re-connected with our loved ones to share in the events of the day. Many of us decided to stay together for the evening, sharing stories, both happy and sad, but full of unforgettable memories.


Throughout the weekend, we continued to experience an amazing rollercoaster ride of a variety of feelings, both physical and emotional as the cleansing process began in earnest. Of course Mother Nature was always at hand to remind us to be respectful of her. She continued to give us push after shove into the direction that She felt was best for us. And how could we say no?


The world came together, everyone focused on one thing and one thing only. This in itself is amazing considering how divided the people of this globe have become. But nonetheless, those of us near and far all re-affirmed our unconditional love for everyone, and our respect for human nature, perseverance in times of duress and more.


It was amazing to see how community banded together to share in the celebration of LIFE, a blessing that brought tears to so many people’s eyes. There were tears of sadness and tears of joy for the precious gift of life.


An adventure of a lifetime. An adventure of Life. Life. Precious life. So precious.


I will remember this weekend forever. And I know that I for one will learn, and grow from this experience. I shall share my unconditional love with my family and friends more often, never taking for granted their presence ever again. This is the gift that I have received from this weekend Adventure.


Often the deepest learning experiences come with the most hardship. But we humans are amazingly resilient and we will continue to move forward in our lives as we learn the rules of the game, one rule at a time.


To live.


To love.


To learn.




To leave a legacy.

That is the greatest gift that The Universe has bestowed upon humanity.


The adventure continues.

And I for one am in for the long haul.


I love you.



P.S. You really CAN choose to see things differently. All you have to do is try.



  1. best wishes to you and all other .. never seen so many cameras , which did dokomented this desaster
    take care .. hope the informations will flow even the computers wil shut down .. take care
    .. inthoughts with you

  2. I agree Cam, its all in how you choose to see your reality. Its all still very surreal, but in the end this too is a part of life, and when you decide to experience a lesson in life I guess to do so with a "big bang" is the only way.

    I love you my friend and I look forward to seeing you again one day soon.

  3. I dunno...
    i do best at seeing things differently by focusing on something else entirely.

    So today i've been involved with my meeting at work trying to figure a way to make things better for US who work there while trying to understand (some of it i don't agree with) the owners' wish to be more profitable.
    I have very conflicting feelings about it but it at least has me focused elsewhere.
    Actually i need to also try not to be angry at what i see as an overemphasis on money... that still bothers me.

    And it also leads to my feelings about the issues of greed that i believe leads to the anti-union efforts in this country.

    Lots to focus on...
    But i don't want to feel less compassion for the overwhelming tragedy of what's happened to Japan...and to us... for we are all connected.
    What happens to you there effects us on so many levels.
