Monday, March 28, 2011

TickerTape Update for Japan 2011/03/28

Here are tonight's ticker-tape updates for tonight.

And for the record...

No, the rain is not giving people skin blisters and red, dotted rashes.

No we are not without water.

No we are not running around in panic and evacuating Tokyo.

Anybody who claims any of the aboveis a brazen-faced liar.

Or they have been watching too many conspiracy theory bulletin boards.

Or they have contracted syphilis and are suffering one of the debilitating stages of dementia.

In the case of any of the above, I highly recommend a good swift kick to the arse to eject them from Japan as quickly as possible before they mindlessly infect anyone else.

We WILL fix this mess. We're Japanese.


* TEPCO says very high levels of radiation have been observed in water found in a tunnel outside the turbine building for one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

* Earlier, Japan's nuclear safety watchdog has said radioactive elements from melted nuclear fuel have possibly found their way from one of the reactors to a turbine building at the nuclear power plant.

* Efforts to cool the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant are being hampered by the leakage of highly radioactive substances.

* Three men exposed to high levels of radiation while working at the damaged nuclear power plant have left the hospital with a clean bill of health.

* The confirmed death toll in Japan's devastating March 11th earthquake and tsunami has climbed to 10,901 people, with 17,649 others listed as missing.

* The construction of temporary housing began on Monday in disaster-stricken Miyagi prefecture.

* All the fishing ports on the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan suffered extensive damage in the March 11th earthquake and tsunami, and the marine products industry has been decimated.

* Japan has received offers of help from 134 nations and territories as well as from 39 international organizations in the wake of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami, the foreign ministry says.


  1. No I hadn't heard any of those above statements here !!

    Been watching as they try to move the rubble and I just can't imagine how they are going to do that but I know they are a determined people and they will do it . I sent in my contributation and I hope everyone is doing the same every bit helps .

  2. the recovery is starting to kick in :) good!

  3. I would like to know where and if people are actually hearing that Japan is panicked... that there are blisters from the rain... etc?

    I've not heard anything negative.....


  4. Stefnee - Jen had commented with someone on her FB about a video that an Aussie in Japan posted to YouTube claiming how Japan is dying, blah blah blah (the video, not Jen). I couldn't post there, so just thought I'd add it here. I don't even want to bother you with the link to that video.

  5. That video has been removed from YouTube, Guys.
    It's obvious he was trying to stir up trouble.
    And unfortunately there are too many who will believe these jerks. My FB friend found it disturbing, but admitted it sounded like a gross exaggeration.

    It's just hard to know what to believe... or think.

    I'll keep hoping for the best, but will go on with my very busy life.

    Take care, Cam.
