Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year to My Goddesses!


Cam and the Ebony Goddess in PR






On the train 070713



Kam and Kayak in PR


Thank you for making 2009
such an amazing year!
See you in the new decade!!!

I love you all!


Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tickling Two Sets of Parents with One Magical Potato

Wow... two parcels just arrived.

1) From Max & Co. - My 2010 Tiger Eto!! Yaaay! Now I have collected an entire 12 years (one full set) of eto from Max. It's kinda sad, though, because this is the LAST one... Boo hoo hoo!!!

His mom also sent me a jar of umeboshi, and a jar of rakkyo. She makes the best rakkyo in the multiverse, bar none!

2) 10 lbs (2X5 lbs) of special Kamisho Sato Imo potatoes

I ordered these on the net two days ago ($65 total). They are special potatoes from Ono City, Fukui where I used to live.

The timing is perfect because I planned to take them when I go and visit one of my coworker's homes during the New Year. Her parents are both originally from Fukui so when she told them about ME working in the same company they got excited (home town ties are strong...) Since she recently bought the condo for her and her parents to live in, I asked if I could get a "house tour" some time and she invited to come during the new year holiday.

So... I thought to myself that I just have to get a box of Kamisho Sato Imo potatoes and I am SURE that her parents will love me! How many foreigners would even KNOW to bring such a special gift as something famous from their home prefecture (that they left decades ago) that fits perfectly into the New Year.

Besides, Miyuki told me that her mom's New Year cooking is absolutely fabulous. I asked her how her mom makes ozoni (new year soup) and it is just like the way Mayu's mom makes it (with lots of vegetables). When I heard that, I just KNEW that I HAD to bring the sato imo for them for the new year.

Then Miyuki sent me a kmail and told me to come on January FIRST! Holy shit! I was thinking maybe the 2nd, or 3rd... but nope; she needs me there on the 1st as she is busy during the rest of the holiday. I was worried because the website said the earliest they could deliver was January 3rd...

Luckily, when I ordered online I wrote an impassioned memo, telling them of my life in Fukui, and Ono, and how much I love it, and miss it all... how special Ono is to me, how I grew up there, and visited dozens of times a year my old (and young) friends in Ono... how the food is delicious, the famous water delectable, the scenery unforgettable, the air pure and perfect...

And guess what?

They arrived!


So I'm off to deliver a box to Mayu today (unbeknownst to her) so that she can give them to her parents. Then tomorrow I'll take another box and wish Miyuki and her parents a shin nen aisatsu (new year greeting)!

And I have my 2010 Eto Tiger from Max! Yaaay yaaaay!!!

I get to make a whole bunch of people really really happy (yes, I know it sounds crazy, but here in Japan getting these potatoes will make them ecstatic... potatoes... I know.... but they are special, almost magical potatoes [the size of a ping pong ball])


What a fantastic way to end the year.

I love you!


Serenity Rising III: It's what you make of it! (Now up and running on YouTube @

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Morning Glory

This morning as I was wandering around in my Fabric Goddess pjs, wrapped in my gold blanket, planning my breakfast and my day, suddenly the living room turned this beautiful orange...

I realized that something was up outside, so I grabbed my camera, went out on the balcony and saw ... this!


Ohayo 091229

Pretty awesome, don't you think?

I give thanks to the Universe no matter how sunny or rainy it may be. But this morning I was filled with even more gratitude and appreciation than ever! I happened to be in just the right place, at just the right time.

May the sun rise on you in 2010.

I love you!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Traditions

Tug and I went for a long walk tonight just before midnight, looking for a jinja (shrine) to celebrate our traditional Christmas Eve together, again. We found just the right one after midnight on Christmas, Dec 25th, 2009.

I set up my usual mikan (mandarin orange), osake, candle and I placed Tug's ashes next to it all. I then took time to silently pray thanks to The Universe, to God, to The Energy that gives us Life, to The Mother.

I shared the mikan and the sake with kami-sama (the god). I bowed again, I cleaned up, and I left.

On my way out I read a sign at the entrance explaining the history of this jinja. Apparently the original site was dedicated to the gods in 932. That is almost 1,100 years ago.

It was a beautiful, and peaceful location about 15 minutes walk directly down my street straight to the river.

Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Red-Nosed Delight

It's 18:31. I am just locking my bike up. I decided to play with my bikenavi today and adventured out into the world. I rode an entire three stations away to sit at MisDo and have three cups of coffee while writing a blog on my keitai and then reading my newspaper. Wow! Three stations!!! I'm so adventuresome!!! *voice drips with self-deprecating sarcasm...

And now I'm home.

The problem with the navi is it keeps taking me to major highways and I want to ride on back roads to get to the same place! That is frustrating... and it wont listen to me! The voice is female...Hmmmm...

Wow... it's a beautiful night out tonight! Im not cold at all!

Ooh! The owner of the bike next to me just came back... she's hot! (in more ways than one)

Wait! Could it be??? Yes I think it is! I think I can see Rudolph 's nose blinking up there!!!

Perhaps Santa is on his way ... to the coffee shop? Surely it wouldn't be the pub... I'm sure the Intergalactic Cops are always keeping an eye on the curvature of his jet stream and pull him over at the slightest erratic movement...

OK... now it's cooling down out here.Or rather my body has cooled down and feels the near zero temps...

My laundry is still hanging outside! Gotta go!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Miss Doh"! *insert simpsonean forehead-slap soundtrack*

I decided to get out today so I rode a whopping 6km/3.5mi to Funabori Stn. It goes .hinozaki --> Mizue --> Ichinoe --> Funabori ... --> ... Shinjuku. I decided to be advebturesome and mess with my bikenavi's mind by NOT taking the routes she recommended. I made her work for her juice. (I just hope she doesn't rebel and power down before I get home!)

So I just rode. Khakis, walking desert boots, regular sweater, army jacket, gloves and helmet. I just don't like cycling without a helmet... it feels like driving with no seatbelt and the doors open if you can imagine the insecurity...

And here I sit at the Mister Donut (Misdo in abbreviated Japanese) having a coffee. There is nothing here to do but that's OK because the DO was to get out and ride (no spandex nothing neon anything). Then I get to ride back in the dark with a teeny blinker front and back ... (refill)... and unable to see my bikenavi (lucky she has a sexy voice for guidance).

It is dark here before 17:00 in the winter and that means the temperature will drop quickly but I'm prepared because I brought some other warm stuff in my pack. I may LOOK like I have no inkling about cycling by the way I dress... but looks can be deceiving. Ever seen those extreme skiing videos? Some of those guys look like they were just pulled out of a McDonalds!

I guess I will read my newspaper and then head home. It was a brief adventure but nice to do... I just wish there were more wild boars and real trees around...

This is my first XMas entirely alone in 44 years... wow... I hope you have a much more exciting Christmas than I'm having!

Merry Christmas, eh!

I love you!

"Infernal Affairs" (Movie Review)

I just finished watching (finally) "Infernal Affairs", an EXCELLENT detective film that would give Michael Mann a run for his money.

My friend Matt lent it to me a few months ago and I just haven't had the chance to watch it. Tonight I did, and I really am glad that I took the time to do so because it was superb. I really was pleasantly surprised because it was a "real movie" with plot, deep character development and more. The acting was excellent, there was very little "gun play" that can often kill the depth of movies, making them too "Hollywoodesque", and the characters were very deep (and troubled).

The film opens with a big boss named Sam sending off his youngest lieutenants to infiltrate the Hong Kong Police Academy. This is part of a long-term strategy aimed at keeping tabs on what the long arm of the law is up to. Ten years later, one of Sam's would-be spies, Ming, is now a sergeant in the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau and he is secretly undermining the efforts by Superintendent Wong to bring down Sam's crime empire. However, what Ming doesn't realize is that Wong has infiltrated Sam's organization with a mole of his own-- Yan, a cop who has spent the past decade working his way up to Sam's number-two man.

Events kick into high gear during a tense sequence in which the police try to thwart one of Sam's drug deals. As the deal goes down, Yan secretly transmits the details to Wong while Ming sends coded messages to his boss keeping him apprised of what the police are up to. Though the bust ends with a stalemate, both sides end up realizing that there is a mole in their respective organizations. Thus, the undercover cop and the undercover criminal become caught up in trying to identify each other while keeping their own identities secret.

Unlike most films in the Hong Kong cops-and-triads genre, "Infernal Affairs" is an intelligently plotted thriller oozing of subtlety. The two main characters, Ming and Yan, despite being on opposite sides of the law, are very similar in that they both find themselves trapped by their circumstances. While Yan wants out after having put ten years of his life on hold to infiltrate Sam's gang, Ming secretly wishes to become a real cop and leave his triad days behind him. In fact, Ming ends up being the most fascinating and complex character in the film, as his desire to turn over a new leaf compels him to commit new crimes in order to bury his past ones.

If you like these kinds of movies, and want to try a subtitled foreign film for a change to get away from the hollywood glitz and "over the top" pyrotechnics that usually go with gun-toting good-guy/bad-guy flicks, give this a try.

Thanks, Matt!

I love you!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Squeaky Clean as a Baby's Bottom

I am sitting at the dentist awaiting my calling for the five pee em appointment. It is a tiny place with three chairs side by side and located under a hairstylist. At one minute from my place it is quite ... benri (convenient)

And now it is six ten pee em and I am done and walking back to my apartment. And in the length of these two sentences I have arrived!

And so has one of the two gift packs of osake that I ordered from Amazon!

Time to do a quick change then out to meet Mayu in Shinjuku to give her the Xmas present my mom and dad sent her.

Have a great day.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please Become a Fan of Brian Peskin

We have been working hard to put together an online presence for Brian Peskin, my mentor, regarding all of that "health, EFA, PEO, carbohydrate, cancer, blahblahblah" stuff I have been "soapboxing" about for years. In fact, that is one of the main reasons why I began writing blogs on 360 at the end of 2005!

The Facebook, and Myspace, and Twitter, and LinkedIn, and Wordpress sites are up, and we are working hard adding information.

If you have ever been touched by any of the teachings of Professor Peskin (through me, or directly through him), would you do me (and him) a big favour and head over to your FaceBook (and MySpace and Twitter and LinkedIn) and connect with his site, please?

We really need to spread the word as much as possible.

As the days, weeks, months go buy we will continue to add info to Brian's Fan Page on Facebook. This is linked to other sites so it should hopefully be popping up here and there.

I would really appreciate if you would consider this!

Here is Brian Peskin's Fan Page on FaceBook (I hope this works...)

This information really CAN revolutionize your health and your life. All you need to do is read the science, understand it and put it to the test. You will see that everything Brian says comes true. Everything.

It blew my mind when I first read his book, Radiant Health: Beyond the Zone.

You can visit Brian's website at:

Must rush now and get to work.

I love you!


"Life isn't supposed to be all "cakewalk" and no "baking." Especially not for those who like to experiment, take risks, and be surprised." - The Universe That is MEE to a TEE!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Serenity Rising

Ahhhhh... I had an absolutely fantastic day out all day today. The weather was warm and sunny so I just wore a t-shirt under my army jacket which was still too warm for most of the day.

First I went to Shibuya. Then I went to "Nikotama" and had lunch with a highball. After that it was back to Shibuya for coffee in Yoyogi park followed by a trip to the Ueno area where I visited one of the destinations on my "Serenity List".

After taking video the next stop was to a yakiniku restaurant for two icy cold draft beer and some delicious yakiniku (that was so fresh one could eat it uncooked - beef and pork. I did enjoy the yukke which is raw ground steak you mix with onions and a raw egg. Yum!)

Once that was done I searched for the straightest route home which involves two trains of seven and 17 minutes each.

I'm on my way home now.

The Kyu Iwasaki-tei gardens is a huge mansion built in 1896. Gorgeous! And the garden was also wonderful. At JPY400 to enter and see the luxury of the founder of the Mitsubishi conglomerate it was well worth the effort.

I am on my way home now to enjoy coffee a shower and the rest of the evening off. I'll be home soon.

Thank you Universe for this gorgeous weather and the chance to begin creating my "Serenity Collection" of videos.

I love you!


Friday, December 4, 2009

I am listening to "Bear Radio Network" (Eclectic) on iTunes. It's touted as being "random gay radio featuring some of the best independent GLBTI and gay friendly artists" and is probably one of the better stations I have found to date! Give it a try and let me know what you think. Running back out to the tailor/cleaner to take my other sportscoats in for "redefinition" (


Had to go all the way back to my office to catch my line after a night out meeting my MBAnuses. The JR line had an accident so all was delayed and therefore several transfers were required. But I can catch the second last train home.

The thing is....

I had to walk past this guy vomiting tons of alcohol and half-digested food all over the platform. I have a really weak tummy for that so Im holding back my own spew right now.

I need fresh air...


Got called at 2pm from a former MBA cronie in Tokyo. He wanted to know if I was able to meet the guys this weekend. He didnt know I live in Tokyo. I asked when? He said tonight. I asked the time. He said 7:30. I said OK! He said great! I love being spontaneous. So Im here in Ebisu tonight. And they should be here momentarily. Kampai and Merii Kurisumasu!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hmmmmm... Habits... Hmmmmm...


I really hate lecturing in front of a bunch of people, moving around, being very dynamic... laughing... gesturing... standing and sitting...

and then...

finding out after they have all gone...

that my zipper was wide open the entire time!

*shakes head*

Where's MyStefnee when I need her?***


*** Years ago when my best friend Stefnee was still wondering whether I was... safe? worthy of? being her contact on 360, the first comment she made ... was to publicly mention that ... in a photo I had posted... my fly was wide open. On Flickr!

I guess if you have to have a bad habit, as habits go this one at least offers a degree of entertainment for the viewers...


I had just finished my english class at work when I discovered this bad habit rearing its head again. (no pun intended)

Today's lesson was learning "Hmmmm... let me see..." and other derivatives.


P.S. I vaguely recall her telling me that before she let me know she wanted to make absolutely certain it wasn't just her imagination going wild... so she zoomed in. For confirmation of course. Because my best friend Stefnee hates making mistakes... Least that's what she told me on that fateful day.

P.P.S. We connected on the blogs soon after that.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Veggies From The Universe

This morning at 9am, the Kuroneko courier buzzed my interphone and told me she had a parcel for me. I had no idea what it could be, but as she was quite cute, I let her in, and she came up (good thing I don't live in the basement otherwise I would have had to say, "and she went down").

I signed for the parcel. It was huge. I mean big. And H.E.A.V.Y.!

So I brought it into the kitchen, opened it up and it was full of vegetables!

From Ito-san in Kamishii-mura! (the ones to whom I gave the fridge and laundry machine)

The vegetable guy!

They are the ones who always brought us hakusai (chinese cabbage), daikon, onions (round and long), cucumbers out the wazoo, eggplant, cabbage, corn and more!

I had no idea that they would do this so I was grinning ear to ear as I counted them all out:

Eight daikon and seven hakusai!

I have no idea what the heck I am going to do with them all other than try to give most away because I won't be able to eat this much cabbage or radish even if I suddenly transmogrify into a rabbit!

So I called Ito-san up, thanked him profusely and asked him how to "store" all these veggies. He told me. And so I shall do. They are on the balcony drying out a bit, and then I will wrap the hakusai back up in the newspaper and store them upside down (base at the to, ears facing down) so they don't rot. The daikon I'll just keep in the fridge.

The more love you send out to the Universe, the more it comes back multiplied!

Want to come on by for a nabe party?

I love you!

Cambit Hasen Pfeffer

*wriggles nose in delight*

Great New Program

Here's a "great" new program at my gym that I'm sure every native english speaker is just "dying" to sign up for!

Of course it is a shortened version of "hot stretch", designed to warm you up before you exercise... but man... couldn't they have come up with something just a little less... *gag*

The Internet Axe Murderer's Club Welcomes Carol Draczynski

Welcomes with the loving arms of Globalized Love!

Debunking the Myth: An Internet Axe Murderer Story (Part 1)

(Four parts to this series)

Oh. My. God. I LOVE doing this!!!!!

Mission Accomplished.

I love you!


Friday, November 27, 2009


Rushing this morning I got everything done I wanted to do: get up, wash, do laundry, cook a steak and eat it, play music from, do dishes, vacuum, spruce up the place, cedar up myself. pine up the steak-scented apt, and catch the 9am train (caught the 9:10) for the hospital.

After that's done it is off to Shinjuku for an adventure (keep an eye on my youtube channel for details) . Tomorrow I'm meeting Matt for lunch @ an undecided local (he works today or I'm sure he would partake in this adventure as well).

Sooooo... I get everything done, throw my fake leather jacket (designed by H&M but slapped together in The World's Factory), bowed to the House Elves and gave them my "Itte kimasu" salutation as I do every time I part from my abode, locked the door, caught the elevator down, and on my way out of the elevator...

slipped in a puddle of very obviously bright yellow DOG PEE and nearly wiped myself out!!!!

My apt is a pet-friendly place. People lodge complaints about hearing bumps and thumps coming from other apts but then they ignore their dog pissing in the lobby of our security entrance (only residents can get into that part of the foyer)!

Talk about being pissed! Not me... the poor dog who probably felt bad about it because dogs are smart enough to "know when to hold it, and know when to fold it. Know when to walk away and know when to run..."

Well, just another example of how so many humans all around the world go through life totally unaware of their surroundings. They miss out on so much that is wonderful about life and living when they close themselves in the dark batcave of their mind.

Time to change trains so I hope your day and evening goes well and don't forget to check my YouTube channel in a day or two!


*shakes head in disbelief at puddle of insensitive dog urine in front of the elevator entrance*

I watched MJ's "This is It" tonight. It was an excellent story showing the rehearsal to quite possibly the best concert that never happened. I recommend it, especially for the latest Michael Jackson sound.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's all in how you see it


I think I'll skip this 8:15 and catch the 8:20 instead. That way I can catch a better position (maybe) by being first in line now (bye train) and also it allows me to perceive that I have plenty of time (I do!) instead of arriving and immediately jumping on the train...

If you change the way you perceive things, you change your reality. That is all there is to it.

Have a good one.

I love you!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Talk About Housewife Bargains!

I took the morning off to use up some overtime in October. I wanted to get a few things done to catch up after being gone all weekend. What I found was shocking!

It seems that during the mornings is when they put all the meat on sale. It must be to entice the housewives into the stores. The steak was all 50% off... so I bought 12. Lucky me!! Other meat was on discount so I filled up my freezer. I ended up spending $150 for two shopping baskets worth (not two american-sized carts but the hand-held baskets).

I also found a place to try and trim up my Eddie Bauer tents that used to be sportscoats to fit my arms and bodylength... but not much else. Dropped one off and will pick it up and see how it looks. If good Ill take in the rest later.

Trains here. Gotta run. Love you!

I am back in Tokyo, and doing laundry.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Breakfast at Maxxany's

I'm sitting in their family room having my first Hokuriku breakfast in nearly three months (I wish I could attach the photo I took.).

The rain poured like it never does in Tokyo...

My hair is frizzy from the humidity...

The cold damp house already has my toes aching and the kerosene heaters kick off that unmistakeable wet heat which feels good and bad at the same time...

breathe in....

breathe out....


The mountains still have that glorious autumn captain crunchberry explosion of colour...

The birds sing gaily with songs I have not heard for a quarter of a year...

And now its time to make the coffee, go down to the studiodungeon, sit by the fire a bit as Max & Co. are working and. warm. up. I always thought their house was unusually cold... it is! Stephanie remembers how chilly it is in here in spite of all the warm hearts that abound.
I'm home.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

That's One Hungry Puppy

One of the things I miss about living in Kamishii-mura is all the guys selling stuff in their little lorries. There would be fruit trucks, laundry pole trucks, guys offering to yake away your old electronics and white goods. I miss the yaki-imo man especially because those guys are linked to the chilly late autumn/early winter days...

So imagine my delight upon arriving at and exiting my subway station last night when I came upon a singing food truck!

Singing away was one of thos ubiquitous "singing food trucks". However this truck was different from what I have seen to date. It was the first time in my twenty years to hear the recording belting out a lonely mournful song about delicious, hot, juicy "hotto doggu".

I went home with a smile and cooked a delicious dinner!

Have a great weekend; it's a long one for me. Im going to visit Max & Co. I haven't seen my closest male friend in Japan for almost three months and I miss him fiercely!

I love you!

Twice as Fucking Fast

The exciting sex-for-profit news never ends...

Believe it or not I'm not looking for this stuff; I get a finance newsletter with topics and today's first topic discusses an erectile dysfunction drug that works twice as fast as Viagra... meaning men can now have an erection in less than 30 minutes! Talk about lightning a quick response!

I'm sure women will be dancing in the streets, the bars and the bedrooms over THIS news!


P.S. Now if this meant that men could have twice the amount of orgasms in the same amount of time, bedroom life might be a little more exciting!


Faster Than Viagra
Nov 18 2009 12:40pm EDT

Viva Avanafil isn't a very catchy marketing slogan.

But a little company called Vivus Inc. says its impotence drug works twice as fast as Viagra in a study: Erections in half an hour or less.

Pfizer Inc.'s Viagra is the original and dominant player in the so-called erectile-dysfunction drug market, controlling about half of the $3.8 billion in annual sales. Eli Lilly & Co.'s rival drug Cialis makes up 40 percent of the market, and Bayer AG's Levitra has 10 percent.

Vivus, a money-losing biotech company in Mountain View, California, figures it can gain share because of its speedy results. By late next year or early 2011, it will apply for U.S. approval to sell Avanafil.

“Patients want on-demand therapy because when the mood is right, the mood is right,” CEO Leland Wilson tells Bloomberg News. “We’ve shown efficacy in 30 minutes, and no one else has done that.”

But it's going to be tough going up against the marketing machines of Pfizer, Lilly, and Bayer. Vivus lost $21 million in the third quarter and had only $226.9 million in cash as of September 30. Pfizer spent $9.5 billion through nine months this year on marketing and administrative costs alone, and that's a reduction from last year.

What's more, there are signs of a softening market, so to speak. Viagra sales fell 6 percent through nine months this year to $1.34 billion.

Vivus sells an older impotence treatment called Muse that was approved in the late '90s just before Viagra was approved. But unlike the little blue pill, Muse is a medicated pellet inserted through the urethra. Bad timing for a breakthrough product.

And speaking of timing, it's not great for Avanafil, either, says J.P. Morgan analyst Cory Kasimov.

Viagra's patent protection runs out in 2012, meaning Avanafil and all branded drugs will have cheap competitors. For a new entrant, it "could prove challenging in a market poised to go generic," Kasimov says in a note to investors.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are You Fucking Depressed?



It amazes me how drug companies will to to any lengths of "creativity" to keep their billion dollar flops alive so that they can reap profits as much as possible. I guess it makes sense, in a sick sort of way...
I guess if they did it with Viagra for men, then they should be able to do it for women, too After all, I am sure there are a lot of women out there who might like to say, "Yes tonight, honey. Even though I have a headache!"
Just imagine how lucky all those depressed women out there must feel! Now they can be more than "just depressed", they can be "fucking depressed"!
I can hardly wait to see what all the contraindications on the outside of the box say (ever seen what can happen to you on Viagra? Pretty scary...): "This drug may cause headaches, dry mouth, soreness. It can lead to an increase in stubble burn, acne, heart attack, and multiple orgasms. Women with husbands with weak hearts should have their husbands consult a physician before consumption."


Failed anti-depressant flibanserin reborn as female “Viagra”?
By Gareth Macdonald, 18-Nov-2009

Boehringer Ingelheim looks set for a significant windfall with results from Phase III trials indicating that its drug flibanserin can boost sexual desire in women, raising the prospect of a female equivalent to Pfizer’s Viagra.

The findings, reported at the appropriately named congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, showed that women on the drug experienced a statistically significant increase in “satisfying sexual events,” (SSE) versus the control group

In two of the main 24 week studies, Daisy and Violet, women treated with
100mg flibanserin per day reported 4.5 SSEs per month from a baseline of 2.8, while those in the placebo group increased to 3.7 SSEs from 2.7 at the start of the trial

Additionally, women involved in those trials, as well as the European Orchid study, reported a significant increase in sexual desire.

Boehringer plans to file flibanserin for regulatory approval in the next few months.

Change of indication

Like Pfizer’s Viagra, which was first trialled as a medication for cardiac disorders, flibanserin was originally developed with another indication in mind, namely as a treatment for depression.

And, although flibanserin failed as a depression therapy, in another echo of the
Viagra  experience, women involved in the trials reported an increase in sexual activity and satisfaction.

As a result, in 2002
Boehringer began investigating flibanserin as a libido booster in pre-menopausal women suffering from hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), culminating in the three Phase III studies reported on Monday.

Market demand

Understandably perhaps, given both the market success of Viagra and the estimate that HSDD affects up to 25 per cent of women worldwide, the flibanserin trial results attracted a considerable amount of attention.

However whereas, rightly or wrongly, Viagra has gained a reputation as an “on demand” lifestyle drug, flibanserin’s libido boosting affects depend on a gradual build up over a number of weeks, so it may not see the same levels of demand.

Nevertheless, most observers agree that there is a significant market for a HSDD treatment, with estimates ranging from Decision Resources’ $100m a year valuation to the $3.5bn figure forecast by
BioSante Pharmaceuticals’ CEO Stephen Simes.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama did the right thing

Here is an article focusing on Obama's deep bow of respect and reverence to Emperor Akihito: "How low will he go?"

He did the right thing; rather than show the typical "might is right" response that many of the former presidents and secretaries of state in the USA have done, Barack Obama paid respect to the emperor of the country that is funding a huge number of US military bases on their own land, and working toward continuing developing good relationships, in spite of the changing of the guard.

President Obama is AWARE.

I'm glad he did bow deeply. The fact that the newsmongrels are focusing on this kind of thing just goes to show, exactly as Jen's blog regarding "a skinny Obama" also shows, that people just. don't. get. it.

Obama gets it.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bear Naked Leather(ette)

Yesterday Mayu and I went to see the Habsburg Collection, a very rare art collection by one of the most loved (?) imperial families of Austria for six centuries (19 emperors), The Habsburgs. They were meticulous about collecting art, and portraying their family heritage through portrait paintings.

"Rudolf I (died 1291), the first of nineteen emperors from the house of Habsburg, a noble family of Swiss origin, came to power in 1273. His defeat of King Otakar II of Bohemia (r. 1253–78) five years later gained significant territorial holdings for the Habsburgs in Austria, the cornerstone of their empire. By the sixteenth century, the imperial title was long regarded as hereditary, allowing the Habsburg dominion to expand dramatically over continental Europe not only through military conquest but also through carefully chosen marriage alliances..."

The art was beautiful and spanned quite a few centuries. It was a very beautiful collection to see, and watch the centuries recorded in art. I am glad I went.

Above is a photo of the inner atrium (and Mayu) to the art gallery... pretty amazing building all in all!

After that, Mayu and I went to a bar for a drink, to chat, and then we visited Zara, and I found this "leather" jacket. It's pretty cool.

And that is that.


P.S. As I stayed at Mayu's last night, and didn't have anything to sleep in, she lent me this oversized t-shirt. It says quite a few interesting things on the front with some fun drawings. I don't know if you can enlarge this photo or not, but if you look closely, you will see that it does say, "Famous Sausage".


Friday, November 13, 2009

Singly Delicious

I finished work about 19:40 tonight. I spent pretty much the entire day from 11am sitting in the lunchroom with a window partially open, working on market research for a company we are interested in possibly working with. The office is simply too hot for me and in fact while everyone seems to be freezing their flat Japanese asses off, I am boiling mine off! It feels like a beautiful cool late autumn day in Fukui without the humidity so I love the breeze. Not my coworkers... so I decided rather than sitting there all day I would DO something about it. I'm tired of going home with a drenched undershirt (that I hate wearing but have to in order to keep my dress shirt semi-dry) and sopping (s)we(a)t gotch.

I got most of the data collected and now I need to convert it all to Japanese next week. Then I need to do the same thing for three other companies...

Instead of going straight home very hungry I decided to go alone to the standing/eating/drinking place that Kyoko and I have been to a few times now. I am having a (1) beer and some yakitori etc. I hope it tides me over so I can go home and cook dinner.

Tomorrow I go to the hospital again so it will be an early morning. I had better get my laundry washed and hung tonight because Mayu invited me to go to a world famous art gallery from Europe that is here. This is one of the good things of Tokyo: all the global culture comes here and you have a ton to see if that interests you. I figured I would tag along because this is apparently a rare display that is extremely popular around the world.

One of the guys is outside clapping and calling out to the night hoping to catch some hungry night walkers... one of the many things I love about Japan.

Have a good weekend!

Thumbingly yours,


P.S. I guess there are a lot of these kinds of Friday nights when you are single and have no romantic attachments...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Air Supply

Today I taught a class at 9:30am. I made sure to turn the AC on in the small meeting room 30 minutes before the class began. It was not cold at all, but at least the air was moving. I left the door open.

The six or seven students arrived and we started the class. After a few minutes one person closed the door. Within five minutes there was sweat running down my back!

The room was not overly hot, but my forehead was dripping, my armpits were soaked, and I could feel the rivulet down the center of my back, along the valley of the spine.

It was then that I concluded that the temperature is not such a big deal; it's the Air Supply that makes me drenched. The air conditioners are large ceiling-mounted things, but they don't seem to work all that well. Apparently all of the ACs on my floor were checked and cleaned this past weekend but this didn't seem to help the problem.

Tomorrow I will conduct an experiment: I am going to suggest we leave the door open to get some better circulation, and see what happens.

I am "glad" (rabbit ears) that I wore an undershirt today. I do not like wearing undershirts because they just heat up my core. So many people here (men and women) swear by them, but although I have tried several times, the result is always the same: the underwear absorbs the sweat that my body produces from the heat, and also from the increase in core temperature due to the "layering" (rabbit ears). My head heats up and my body feel so hot when I wear an undershirt.

Maybe I just have a weird body...

I finished dinner and the dishes, and a glass of my favourite wine: YellowTail Cabernet Sauvignon (which is the red label if you ever want to try it). I am having my coffee now and then I think I will jump in the shower, pull the gauze out of the hole in my chest, clean myself, shave myself (comprehensive), and then stuff more gauze into the hole (I figured out how to do it ver well...)

Have a great day.

I love you!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wrong Way Feldman!

Woah did I do a cultural faux pas this morning! (I am at the hospital now with Lucky #5 and have a 30min wait so I have time to thumb this...)

I can never remember which end of the train to get on so that I am nearest my destination. As strange as it may sound, depending on which set of stairs you descend the feel of your location (if one does not have NSEW spacial relation ability, and I do not possess this very helpful ability) changes.

So I went dow the stairs in the opposite direction from which I usually go, effectively putting me at the other end of the train. Although the cars are all numbered from 1-8 or 10 number one is not always the lead car so that adds to the confusion.

As I was going down to the platform my train was already spewing forth the denizen so I needed to rush a bit in order to jump in.

My mind was preoccupied with the thought concerning whether or not this was the right end of the train or not, for you see, I have to transfer to a different line at Morishita Stn in order to come to the hospital and that transfer area is ONLY at one end of the station. If you go up the stairs at the opposite end you have to walk the length of the station then go back down to the depths only to walk over to a different set of stairs that you then must climb. Once ascending those stairs you walk a bit and then go down another long flight of steps that lead to the correct platform (Oedo Subway Line, one of the deeper lines in the country).

As it turned out I was on the wrong end of the train this morning but that is neither here nor there. I digress...

I jumped on my train with my mind pre-occupied. I then immediately pulled out my book (not Kindle) and delved into it. About three stops from Morishita I looked up and around to see a masked elderly woman staring intently at me. I get stared at all the time so it didn't particularly set off any warning bells; however the intensity of her gaze was noted in my pre-occupied brain.

It was then that I ended a chapter in my book and actually looked around the car with the purpose of actually SEEING and absorbing my NOW surroundings. I like the feeling of being able to see above most of the heads (a perk of being very tall is that your face never gets crushed by a sea of heads and backs and the air is a little less stale, albeit hot).

At that moment I distinctly noted that the average height of the people in the car was unusually even and rather... low.

And then it hit me: I was in a women-only car!!!

So I grabbed my bag, apologized to the women around me telling them that I just realized where I was and slipped through the adjoining door to car #2 which was jam packed with all manners of suited japanese men and women.

From 7am-9:30 Car #1 is for women only. *blush* No wonder the air was so much fresher this morning!

Suddenly the car felt very hot...

Oops! I won't take that route tomorrow morning!

Thumbingly Yours,

P.S. I wish somebody would have simply SAID something!

PPS. It took 30mins to type this.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

20 Minutes in Heaven

Akemi figures that my waiting here in Kofu for 20 minutes is a waste of precious time... How wrong she is she will likely never truly comprehend.

Instead of working an hour longer in Tokyo then rushing to Shinjuku to jump on a direct train to Kobuchizawa, arriving at 17:01 when the meeting with all the staff out here is supposed to start at 5pm, I opted for a train that leaves an hour earlier and stops for 20 minutes in the mountain city of Kofu.

And OMFG I am so glad I did! The mountains! The rivers! The forests turning that gorgeous Cap'n Crunchberry red/orange/yellow! The rice paddies and more!

The air is gorgeous! It feels sooo good to be OUT of the Big Rice Bowl after two months.

And this old train is just like the one that ran from Fukui to Katsuyama... Only about six times longer!

Wow... I can breathe again!

The Pussy Chronicles: Lucky #7

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Saturday, and today, Monday. Yep, visit number five...


It's Monday morning and I am back at the hospital early waiting for them to start calling "bingo numbers". My doctor begins at 9am. I got here early so I could get an early number. I got Lucky 7 this time. That may be the second or third patient; I have noted in my few visits these past couple of weeks that the numbers do not increase by incrememnts of one.

No antibiotics nor pain killers were issued when I came on Saturday to enjoy the "fountain experience", so aside from an uncomfortable weekend I will be interested to see how this open wound is progressing.

I am NOT however looking forward to the doctor pulling the gauze out of the wound. If my skin heals as quickly as it seems to do (barring all that exciting pussy stuff), then I have a sneaky suspicion that the flesh has partially melded with the fibrous gauze and is likely attempting to incorporate it into my essence.

I will let you know in the best explanation I can muster what it feels like when he pulls it out and also what the doctor says regarding the progress...

I love Life and all the adventures She brings!

Thumbingly Yours,

Pussy Cam

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Stitch in Time...

At the hospital again...

I got Lucky #10 today and was in seeing the doctor by 09:10. He looked at my poor swollen pec, said that it had filled up again and that it would need cutting and draining again. I kind of figured that so today I brought a spare pair of gotch this time so I don't have to spend the day in "pain-drenched unnuhpaynts" like last Saturday.

I asked the doctor if it was a cyst and he said no; cysts are not infected. This is an infection so it is considered an abcess.


I have an abcessed nipple.

He also noted that my skin heals "too quickly" as the incision last Saturday shouldn't have healed by Sunday night.

So... he filled me up with anaesthetic again which hurt like piss (but not as much as the first time). As soon as he touched the scalped to the previous location I felt the pressure release and the pus and blood inside mixed with the liquid he injected squirted out like a fountain spraying his nice crisp white labcoat and facemask! I felt it squirt all over me as well. I heard the nurse say to another nurse, "I'm sure glad I wasn't standing beside the doctor!"

The doctor squeezed it out and stuffed it with gauze. This time he told me he is going to leave the gauze in for a while to prevent it from closing and that I have to come back every day to have it changed.

I apologized for squirting him. He took off his no-longer-crisp-white labcoat.

Life is full of adventures and I certainly get my fair share. But that's what living is all about, or so I believe. I'd much rather die adventuring than regretting I didn't challenge life.

I've never had an abcessed wound before so now I can add that to my list of exciting happenings! I guess I'll be working overtime to make up for the lost time.

I'm thinking it's going to start stinging when the anaesthetic wears off. It's OK right now though, an hour later...

The funny thing is that he told me I don't need any more antibiotics but rather I just need it to drain and have it cleaned. If I could re-stuff the abcess with gauze I could do it myself but I can't and that's why I need to keep coming back.

Oh! In a semi-unrelated incident... I missed my first transfer station and had to double back because I was so engrossed in my book... Sword & Sorcery can do that.

I'm meeting my translator for lunch today in Shibuya but as that is two hours away and it will only take me about 15 minutes to get there I wonder what I can do to kill the time?

Well I killed about an hour thumbing this blog... Now I guess I'll go find a Starbucks near Shibuya and settle in with my Kindle for a while. That's an enjoyable way to spend a few hours outdoors.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Stranger than Blixen

I am enjoying lunch outside again. People walk by and stare. You'd think they've never seen a very tall, slim. handsome white guy in a pastel purple Hugo Boss dress shirt and the perfectly matching deep scintillating purple necktie with diagonal stripes running in the same direction... eating lunch outside in the middle of a concrete roundaboot before!

What? Do I have antlers growing out of my head or something?!? Hmmmmm maybe I should! Then again I might end up as "camshimi".

I love you!

Throwing in the Towel

I left work just before 7pm this evening, fairly hungry but determined to get to the gym. It has been weeks since I had the time and energy to do so.

I stopped at McDs outside my station for a Double Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese (X2) and a coffee. I tossed the buns, of course and let my body absorb the vitamins, minerals, natural fats and protein in the meat... ahhhh. It hit the spot and kept me going.

I went home, changed, and grabbed my Eddie Bauer bag that is my gym bag, headed to the station and caught my train.

It was a good workout though the weeks away have weakened me. And the beer after work with Kyoko and others has put a kilogram of chub around the waist. As much as I hate the way it feels, it is kind of necessary for me to make it through the unheated winter nights without leg and feet cramps nightly. Crazy I know, but having a bodyfat percent above 10% does have its advantages.

I enjoyed the workout but couldn't get any of the women to chat with me (no mojo me). A couple guys nattered their heads off about silly stuff.

I fell asleep on the mat after my floor work and stretches for ... oh about... 25 minutes. It felt refreshing. I went down to the bath, got out of my workout clothes (cycling stuff I wore once a month ago and thought to use for workout soon after but they just sat in my gym bag for... could that be why nobody talked to me tonight?!? *gasp*) and grabbed my shampoo, face scrub (metrosexual me) my razor and---

I realized that I had completely forgotten to throw in the towels!!!

I managed to gedderdunn but it took quite a while to dry off this superheated onsen body with a blowdryer!

Now I am enjoyong my riceless tonkatsu teishoku dinner next door to the gym. It amazes me how cheaply we can eat out here in Japan compared to North America. It used to be the other way around but not any more.

Thumbingly Yours

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Giddy Up!

The concert was great.
The bulldog and the beer, hit the spot.

And now...

I'm enjoying...

A scrumptious dish of...





Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Amazing Dr Price

Im on the train to Mayu's. I just downloaded to my Kindle last night "The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane" but Im too deeply engrossed in Weston Price to care. My kindle would be so much easier to commute with but I cant put Price down. Im almost 4/5 of the way done and it is truly fascinating.

I spend all my time looking at the faces and jaws of everyone now and I can SEE the deformities he talks about... in everyone! Even what we consider supermodel beauty or the perfect face is based on exactly the same deformity as the standard! It is truly mind blowing to see how far we have fallen from "The Garden of Eden" in terms of what we eat and how it has warped us.

Absolutely amazing... I remember my best friend Khanada saying, slightly stunned when she finally finished this book, that she "will never look at the human race the same ever again... "

It is shocking to see that the tribal patterns of heredity have all but been wiped out of "modern" society and we are left with but a shell of our former selves... pretty much entirely due to our extremely poor understanding and activation of essential nutrition.

"Nutrition and Physical (and mental) Degeneration" couldn't be more bang on.

Dr Weston Price stands up there side by side with Dr Otto Warburg, in my opinion. It is such a shame that both of these men were not taken seriously in their time, in the 50-70 years hence their time and even now time!



P.S. My face too, of course, The jaw, pinced nose, narrow air passage, mouth breathing, dental arch that is too narrow for all the teeth (removing wisdom teeth is not natural as we were designed to have them not pull them), crooked teeth, cavities and more. We all fit this pattern and it has nothing to do with heredity as I have learned and everything to do with diet. Price proves that as any scientist worth his weight in beakers would try to do. *shakes head in utterly stunned amazement*

Happy Holy Evening

As I was coming down the stairs to the platform the doors to the train were closing so now I have to wait 10 minutes which feels like a long time. It's the holiday schedule. On weekdays they come every four minutes. Must have been that last minute pee...

Oh well. It gives me time to tell you all how much I love and appreciate you! What an awesome way to feel while waiting on the next train!


P.S. Plus I get to feel the air forced through the tunnels as the train on the other side comes and goes. And here's my train!

Mmmm.... I LOVE the smell of a freshly pressed shirt!

My Second Kindle Book

The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane  by Robert E. Howard, the creator of Conan.

The sample writing blew. my. mind.

Last Stop!

After I left Tokyo Tower I rode the Oedo line to Morishita Stn and then transferred to my Shinjuku line. Instead of getting off at my station I got off one before, Mizue, where my gym is and went to do some shopping at Don Quixote. On my way out of the station I saw a rescue fireman and police officer. No big deal. Or so I thought...

It was the first time to go up to the third floor of Don Quixote. I did some grocery shopping and finally discovered where I don't have to pay... a left nipple for extra virgin olive oil. Good stuff! And it was. I got two bags of stuff to put in the pantry (spaghetti sauce etc.). I then went down to the second floor and got some simple cotton tight, thin boxer brief gotch to wear for work. Don't get me wrong, I love my BWs... but sitting in a suit and tie all day in an office that is about 28C or 85F is not fun in hightec POLYESTER anything no matter how "wicking/quick drying/highly absorbent" it is claimed to be. Cotton rules.

Then I walked to the garden center to see if the plant I liked was still there and if so I thought to buy it. Sold! Next time...

So I went to have a coffee outside and fiddle with my Kindle for a while. It was then that I noted the pile of people at the station and the pile of rescue firemen at the station and the pile of police at the station...

I heard someone who had just walked back from the station say to a friend that someone had died on the train.

And they were right. In fact someone had died on the 15:15 train into Mizue. My train...

Well I hope their last day as a human being in their present form on this 2009/11/01 day was a pleasant day. I think it would be a great way to go after having a great day! Don't you think so? After all, they got to end this adventure we call "Life, Oh Life" and start on the Next Great Adventure that we all get to go on at some point in our lives!

See you tomorrow!


Friday, October 30, 2009

250m Up

Im up at the 250m observation deck of Tokyo Tower which is 333m tall and is the world's tallest self-supporting steel tower. The Eiffel Tower is 320m. It is much lighter than the E-Tower at 4000 tons (ET is 7000t). It opened in 1958 which is the year that Brazil won its first World Cup and the year that instant ramen was born. This observatory has a 360 degree view of Tokyo. This is my favourite shot. Here you can see the gorgeous Izumi Garden Tower. Due to the smog it may not show up all that well but the colour is a deep green that one would find in precious stones.

I'm hungry so time to go back to ground level and find some food...

"Socialize Me!" The adventure continues...


That actually hurt more than the piercing even though the dr used a local anaesthetic. The pain lasted longer and was so sharp I couldn't get to my "safe space" this time like I did when I had my nipples pierced back in March.

Unfortunately the heat and huidity and sweat of Fukui led to infectons I could not shake. I went to a skin dr twice then to a breast specialist and got to experience an echo and a mammogram (the lump growing was neither mastitis nor cancer I was informed). He told me that if I didnt remove them (the nipple rings not the nipples) likely they would not heal.

I tried a while longer. In Winnipeg where it is dry they did fine but as soon as I got back to the high humidity and constant dripping-with-sweat Fukui in August both nipple pierces AND my belly pierce (done in January) got infected pussy and goopy/custardy again.

The final straw was when blood came out of the one "good" piercing. I took them all out at the end of August and all the holes closed up. Enough was enough. I gave it the old college try as best I could and have great and sexy and erotic memories of this great adventure.

The only problem is that the infected left nipple had nowhere to drain the pus so for two months it has been building in a sac under my skin. The swelling finally got too uncomfortable to ignore so I came to the Tokyo version of the Saiseikai Hospital (read: big, modern, safe) to have it taken care of. Little did I realize...

The doctor looked, proclaimed that the area was swollen with bacterial pus accumulation and it would have to be cut. He had me lay down on the examination table, swabbed, injected with anaesthetic to the point where the area was extremely distended like a golf ball (read: intense high-pitched long-lasting pain), cut with a scalpel, squeezed out all the accumulated pus, stuffed the hole with gauze, covered it with copious quantities of yet more gauze, and told me to come back on Sunday, Monday, and next Saturday to have it cleaned and inspected.

I look like I've had a mastectomy as I have a definite B-cup sized left breast with this gauze (now I know how women feel with one breast larger than the other - talk about another great learning experience!).

I will get a prescription now and then have to come back Sunday, Monday, and Saturday again for follow ups. That will probably cost less than $5 a pop.

My gotch is soaked from the sweat absorbing the pain. Good thing I always carry wet wipes in my "Doraemon Pocket of Infinity"!

Man that hurt...

Time to go pay... JPY 2730 or about USD $25 only.

Now Im waiting in a pharmacy for my prescription... a little sign says, "wait time is about 20 minutes"... but I have a sneaky suspicion it won't take that long. The medicine will be for five days...

I got my medicine in less than 20 minutes and it only cost JPY800 or USD $7.

So the entire process today took me a grand total of about two hours and cost less than $33.
How's that for "socialized medicine", eh?

It's a gorgeous day. I think I'll go eat some food so I can take the medicine (pain killer included... and my nipple stings!) and then go get myself fitted properly for a bra!

Thanks for coming along on this adventure and I hope you didn't lose your dinner in the process.

I love you!


Bypassing 10,000 Years...

10,000 years of accumulated wisdom are already lined up waiting for their turn at the doctor so they can be told everything they already know... things like "you are sick" or "the pain comes from age". This is also the place where the elderly gather to catch up on other geriatric gossip and find out who's alive and who didn't make it through the night. So much wisdom... so little use of it...

I got up at 5am so I could catch the 6:57 train to the Saiseikai Chuo Hospital. It is about three or four stops past the hospital that Mayu's dad was in for the past two or three weeks. That hospital is right across the street from the world famous largest fish market in the world Tsukiji. Many foreigners make this a tourist visit on their trip to Japan as there is nothing quite like it anywhere else (though as one might expect the huge influx of nosey tourists has caused a lot of problems for the market where the majority of Japan comes to buy their seafood...)

I got here to the hospital 15 minutes before they open the reception and grabbed the next available number: #36. Good thing I did because it looks like another 10,000 years of accumulated wisdom has trundled in since I finished my registration.

Lucky me I requested from the same hospital in Fukui that I had gone to several times over the years for the bumps and scratches (infections, rashes, severed fingertips etc.) of my many life's adventures a letter of introduction! It allows mke to jump forward in time... by about ... 10,000 years! Talk about a quick learning curve!!

We will see how long I have to wait now, though, even though I have already presented my documents...

It's probably a good thing I brought my 500+pp book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Dr. Weston Price D.D.S. to keep me altering my life through mind-blowing knowledge from the 1930s that should have been incorporated into our life and diet by now but has been swept under the rug just like Dr.Otto Warburg's revolutionary knowledge on the definitive cause and prevention of the primary cause of cancer was pretty much ignored for... even now it's still pretty much ignored!

This book really should be read by anyone out there who likes to challenge themselves and all the wisdom they have accumulated over their decades of life. It cannot be refuted and once again proves how wrong current knowledge is and how the ancients had an infinitely better grasp on what our bodies truly need for proper nutrition than the sugar & Wonderbread society in which we live.

Wonder Bread is an excellent name for the poison: It is a wonder we aren't all dead already from this nutrient-leaching processed non-food money-grubbing product!

Well they moved me to the newer part of the hospital where we must submit our carte. I'm sitting in front of #3: Internal Medicine / Surgery / Cardiology / Cardiovascular Surgery. It looks like I'm #5002 now and they are lining up #46 at this time...

Time to loosen my shoes to give my feet some fresh air and settle in with Dr. Price. I'll let you know how this adventure turns out. I hope they do something more than just make me wait a gazillion hours to have a doctor look at the infection and tell me to come back in two months for an operation. I figure a needle inserted into the sac to remove the accumulated fluid and pressure followed by an antibiotic aseptic wash and followed up by a course of internal and external medication should do the trick. But that may be an oversimplification of the situation. Who knows? Maybe an emergency nipplectomy is called for! Talk about another adventure.

Just got moved to the "C-Section". I hope they don't start calling from #1!

Thumbingly yours,


Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Monster Complex!

I'm @ LaLaport...

I'm finally sitting down to have some food...

I've been walking two levels only and I'm STILL not done...

I've been walking for over three hours...

This has to be the most ginormous shopping complex I have EVER experienced! "seen" does not do this place justice... You don't SEE LaLaport; you experience it. Wow...

I bought a black tight-fitting stretch dress shirt and an awesome purple tie from Zara. I intend to push the limit at work in terms of real fashion... NOW fashion. I almost got a really awesome shimmering purple dress shirt as well and a diagonal striped black/grey/white tie to go with it. It looked awesome. Slim around the waist... not boxy. Not cheap either but definitely awesomely sooo not conservative. They had a really cool bowtie there too in an excellent black with deep purple designs in it. Just think of me pushing their limit at work in a tailored black double breaste suit with a crisp white shirt and a bowtie... Future considerations.

I also went into a suit shop and got them to explain to me, measure me, and show me styles that would best fit my body. I want a tapered jacket this time. I am too hot at work so need summer material (about 225g wool as opposed to the 375g that they have lots of material in for winter). For a jacket and pants it would cost about USD $650 but would actually FIT me. I'll think about that for another day.Or month. Maybe just before spring.

Today's highlight though (not including this 230g grilled hambaagu - not a burger but on a plate and not with any buns) is the JPY 950 black rubber soapdish that will stick to the sink back by suction. I have been looking for something just like this since I moved here.

I'm not at all happy about the food stain I just got on my sweater, though... not happy at all. Those of you who are habitual "splickers" like me will know exactly what I mean when I write, *sigh*...

The meal is done so it's time to head out in search of the entrance in which I came. That in itself will be an adventure.


P.S. Oh! I found THE most awesome gotch shop! They put BodyWild to shame! I'll load up the two photos I took at the shop when I get home. You HAVE to zoom in on this gotch and read it to really understand how frikkin' awesome it is!

... amazing this place... stores and shops everywhere... Over 200 shops I think... (too engrossed in the shops to notice all the high boots and short skirts... I must be getting old...)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life-Altering Reading for a Digitized Future

I received an email from Amazon saying that my Kindle has been shippped.

Last night when I got home there was a "delivery notice" in my post box from UPS but no package. Soo... I figure it is the kindle that got hit with some sort of duty. Otherwise they would have put the package in the electronic package storing section of our apartment.

I have to start considering new electronic books to purchase and "download within 60 seconds on the whispernet". Not all books on Amazon are available in my area.

If you could do me a great favour, I would love to collect a list of "life-altering reading", books that really changed your life over the years. These are the kinds of things I want to read. Would you mind writing in the comments section, one or two of the books that truly made a HUGE difference in your life? Maybe add a little blurb letting me know WHY you feel the particular book you chose had such a huge impact? (i.e. personalize the choice for me).

Once I receive that list I will start to look through Amazon and see which ones are of interest to me, and which are downloadable...

Gotta run; Life as a cog calls...

Thanks a lot!

I love you!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Going Going Gone!

Finally Jamin in NZ has found a carrier to pick up the workout machine that he bought from me. I used it for a good three years but then stopped because I needed something more (i.e. people) at a gym.

It took a while for us to get this going but it is in the works now. The shippers will be coming to pick up the seven parcels on Saturday.

After that, unless it is raining, I’ll be going riding. I need to get out!

Also, we are working very hard on getting our Power Point presentation done for the “big day” coming up. It is a lot of work because the printing company that “sold” us a “template” didn’t deliver what we were expecting and now we have to rush to make it all ourselves. No gym tonight.

Kyoko, the woman I work with is amazing with her computer skills, and VERY fast with the mouse. She is doing a fantastic job. I’m confident that it will be done, and VERY high quality when we are done. Who knows if the customer really cares or not, but our bosses want it “glossy”. So “glossy” we deliver. I really do enjoy working with Kyoko. She is straight forward, laughs, makes irreverent comments, and is a technology weenie like me. We make a good team. I’m glad she has been working in the industry for a few years.

Time for dinner: salad, pork chops, and sauteed (EVO) mushrooms and eggplant.

I love you!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sticker Shock Japanese-Style

Excuse my English but Holy Cocksucking Mother Fucker did I get sticker shock today!!!

I picked up my mail on the way out to get some mout wash and get my new watch band shrunk to fit my elven-thin wrists. There was some junk a few bills and some old insurance-use notification.

After getting the mouthwash and some toothpaste I sat outside my apt and opened the keitai phonebill for Sep. This is the first bill with my new phone. As you know, this is the only net access I have had for 1.5 months and I have been using it like a PC... with a vengeance.

Let's just say that it is a damn good thing I opted for the JPY 6000/mo internet plan that limits my bill at max JPY 6000 (about $70 now) because when I looked at my actual use it had come to a whopping JPY 120,168 ($1500)!!!!!!! And that was the net alone! Holy cocksucking motherfucker is right!!!

In addition to that my email sms use was about JPY 13,000 ($150) and my calling was over JPY6500 ($75). Add to that my monthly fee of JPY 2500 ($28) for two years to pay off this baby and you get a pretty good idea why the previous expletive non-deleted showed up in this quick thought.


2ell I was wondering if I had gotten the right plan at the beginning as it is always hard to "beat the cellphone carrier system" by upping minutes or lowering plans; they have that all figured out.

I must say that my chosen plan makes me pretty darn happy right now.

Of course only a fool would buy a phone plan and not take advantage of buying into the plans. It is an amazing way for the carriers to make a heap more money rather than just on phone use. Phone use of course has costs for the carriers but "plans" are pretty much free money in the bank once you get them set up and running. Then you can raise your full retail rates sky high as an incentive to buy into the plans. And anyone stoopid enough to think they can beat the system... well all I'll say to that is "good luck trying to explain away THAT kind of bill to a significant other!"

My watches are done and my new all black aluminium Swatch Irony fits great and looks even better! And the guy got my Jacob Jensen running again. It had mysteriously stopped the other day when I tried to adjust the time, even though the battery was new. He opened the back, took the battery out, put it back in again and it's running smoothly. I guess the crystal movement inside is going funny. That's too bad because this watch is a piece of international art.

Time to get my ass off this chair down here in the bowels of my station and head back home. I really do want to go for a ride. I just have a ton of things todo that I cannot get to during the week now that I am playing the roll of "just another cog".

I love you!


P.S. Jen Ill get your birthday present in the post as soon as I can but first I need to find an accessible stationary shop to get a card! Excuse me if it is late, OK? I don't even have time to send back the Flat Simon and Flat Silas I am currently hosting. The kids are waiting and I feel terrible because it's the first time in my life that I cannot freely access private activities!!!

PEOs ― The Ultimate Natural H1N1 (Flu) Eliminator

Hi there! Long time no see. How are you doing lately out there in the Blogosphere, my friends?

I am busy at work. I am busy at life. I don't even have time to get to the post office these days where in Fukui I would just hop on my bike whenever, enjoy a leisurely ride down to the post office/bank, chat with everyone, do my thang, and head back up the hill to the beautiful home in which I resided for five years. Gah I miss that!

Tokyo seems to have a slightly higher "pace" than Fukui, and since I am a Fukui-jin @ heart (I miss my boar babies!) it's taking some time to adjust to this. More time is needed, but I know that in the end I will not be dying in a megalopolis unless it is from trauma.

I hope that your kids aren't struggling with flu problems running through the schools like they are here. And of course when the kids pass it around, the parents get it, and they pass it around too.

The "hiney" (H1N1) flu virus seems to have mutated to the H5N1 which is a much more virulent strain that is getting passed around like crazy. There are several people at work who have children that are sick with it. Everyone around that person has to wear masks (corporate orders) to prevent catching and spreading it further. I doubt if it will make a PERFECT guard, but it will help. However... because it is so damn hot in the office wearing a mask on the face and a necktie around the neck is NOT pleasant.

I'm lucky I am not sitting around that person! I think if it works its way around to my island, and they tell me I have to "mask up", I may just "tie off" and tell them to "take off" regarding their mandates. White people have higher body temperatures than asians so the office really bothers me.

Here is the latest special edition of the Newsletter that Brian Peskin puts out for us all to stay healthy. Think about this... it may be worth giving his PEOs a try considering how many other amazing benefits there are to them!

I love you!!



PEOs - The Ultimate Natural H1N1 (Flu) Eliminator

Special Edition - Oct/Nov Edition
The Science Not Opinion E-Newsletter

The following comes directly from EFA expert Paul Beatty of Canada who studied with the late Dr. David Horrobin ― world renowned EFA scientist who pioneered and advanced our understanding of EFAs and their metabolic pathways.
I edited his material with respect to derivatives and fish oil because those of you familiar with my work already know that derivatives are made "as needed" by your body. Please view the startling video, "What's Wrong with Fish Oil;" at
Science has much more to offer people in protecting us from the "impending Swine Flu Pandemic crisis," than washing our hands and coughing in our sleeves.
The reason for this lack of shared knowledge and non-communication is simple---there is no money to be made in telling people what to eat to protect themselves and what not to eat to keep their immune systems functioning correctly. Furthermore, changes in lifestyle meet with poor compliance by consumers.
Enveloped viruses (most viruses we know of) are coated by lipids (fats) and enter our cells by tricking themselves into the lipid structure of our cell membranes. It is the composition of our complex cell membranes as a barrier that determines resistance to the viruses gaining access to our cells. Long Chained Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Medium Chained Saturated Fatty Acids prevent viruses from entering our cells by disassembling them. LCPUFA (Long Chained Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) metabolites like GLA, Arachidonic Acid, EPA and DHA are the most powerful at inactivating viruses because they have been desaturated by the Delta 6, 5, or 4 enzymes.
A deficiency of both PEOs ― parent Omega 6 (Cis-linoleic) and parent Omega 3 (Alpha Linolenic) in their BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FORMS has made the general population more and more susceptible to viral infections.
The reason for this has been the large amounts of processed oils and transfats (biologically inactive) consumed in today's processed food. Most of these processed oils have been Parent Omega 6 (Linoleic Acid) but these oils are biologically dead for the most part and will not desaturate and give rise to critical eicosanoids that regulate cellular activity including the immune response (i.e. PGE1). Since over 90% of the North American food consumed is now processed--it is easy to see why almost everyone is deficient not only in biologically active Omega 3's but more so deficient in biologically active Omega 6's.
Furthermore, the ability to convert parent EFAs to metabolites has been impaired by diet and lifestyle factors such as--too much sugar, too much stress, deficiencies of key co-factors like zinc, magnesium, B12 etc. and disease states like diabetes and cancer that all impair Delta 6 desaturization. (Contact the author for a list of further impairment factors.) Deficiencies of EFA parent biologically active lipids (PEOs) and the subsequent deficiency of metabolites along with lack of sunshine (vit. D3) has made us more vulnerable to viral infections than ever before.
To protect yourself against contracting enveloped viruses like the H1N1 the following recommendations should be followed:
1) Eliminate as much processed sugar from your diet as possible (impairs Delta 6 desaturase).
2) Reduce stress (cortisol and other stress hormones impair Delta 6).
3) Avoid toxic chemicals (smoking, alcohol, household cleaners and detergents, toxic drugs etc) toxins that impair Delta 6 desaturase.
4) Eliminate transfats and processed oils in processed food (block incorporation of biologically active PEOs into our cell membranes.
There is a long spotted history relating the effect of viral infections and essential fatty acid metabolism. In 1935, soon after the discovery of EFAs, it was published that viral infections were associated with an abrupt fall in the iodine value of the blood, which indicated a fall in the plasma concentration of EFAs.
It wasn't until some 40 years later that Stoesser and his group found that infection of human cell lines with certain viruses could interfere with the ability of those cells to desaturate linoleic acid. More recently, it was found that Epstein-Barr virus infection in young adults (mono) is associated with prolonged falls in the plasma levels of both Linoleic Acid and its metabolites (GLA, DGLA, AA).
Finally, the now deceased eminent scientist Dr. David Horrobin (my mentor) brought these research results to clinical practice with Dr. Peter Behan in a randomized double blind placebo-controlled study of "Essential Fatty Acids in the Treatment of Postviral Fatigue Syndrome" published in 1990. What does this have to do with the H1N1 Flu---well just about everything if you understand EFA metabolism, flu symptoms, and the actions of viral replication at the cellular level. Observations by Dr. Horrobin raised 2 important effects of EFA's on viruses.
1) EFAs themselves can disrupt and inactivate those viruses that have a lipid envelope---the effect is greater the greater the degree of desaturation. (references available upon request)

2) The action of interferon against viruses requires the presence of the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme, which suggests that prostaglandin metabolites of EFAs might be required for the full expression of interferon action against viruses. (references available upon request)
If the above is true (research supports these facts) then this science would also explain why atopic people are abnormally susceptible to many viral infections and patients with certain viral infections like EB and AIDS viruses develop full-blown atopic syndromes. Viruses attempt upon entering the cell due to an EFA deficiency in the membrane, to inhibit Delta 6 desaturase so the cell cannot make enough EFA metabolites to deactivate the virus. In this way our cell becomes the host of the virus.

Current research (U.S. Patent # 4,841,023) applies to the inactivation of viruses in blood plasma. According to the patent--unsaturated fatty acids with at least one double bond in the cis configuration (biologically active) and containing 16-20 carbon atoms are effective in deactivating viruses that are enveloped. (i.e. FLU viruses). The patent includes a list of fatty acids, but the most important for the purpose of this paper are: linoleic, linolenic gamma-linolenic, arachidonic and palmetic fatty acids. Small concentrations of these fatty acids will deactivate enveloped viruses like Herpes, influenza etc. within minutes. (see patent for details)
Research has shown that long chain saturated fatty acids and short chain saturated fatty acids have NO anti-viral effect. But, Medium chain saturated and long chain unsaturated fatty acids deactivate enveloped viruses. The loss of the ability of the virus to spread and infect is attributed to the disruption of the lipoprotein envelope of the virus and has been observed many times under electron microscopes. (references available upon request)
With this information in mind, it is the individual's choice as to whether they wish to be vaccinated with the new H1N1 vaccine or not. In my opinion, it is one big experiment that my family will not participate in especially knowing that mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum derivatives are in most vaccines. In my family; the proof is in the pudding and it has now been 16-19 years since anyone had a full-blown cold or flu in our household.
In closing; if you really want to avoid catching the H1N1 flu and don't want to experiment with your families health with the "safe" vaccine, then do this; eat like your great grandfather; get rid of the BAD fats and processed food and get some Evening Primrose oil, Coconut oil, vit D3 and a good multi-min/vit into you. This is even more critical for people with compromised immune systems (impaired Delta 6); my advice to "sick" people is to avoid being vaccinated.
Paul, thanks so very much for your understanding and recommendations!
Brian Peskin

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Digitize / Analogize Me

Lying in bed and drifting off... I kind of prefer sharing my thoughts through my keitai these days...

Tonight I decided to buy the Kindle. An electronic book reader from Amazon. They now have the V2 out which is an international model that works in Japan. I decided to make this purchase in spite of being a hardcore paperback reader for two reasons: I love being on the cutting edge of technology. And I read to and from work every day so having an electronic book that can store 1500 books really appeals to me.Im looking forward to using it while commuting.

I also decided to buy the Swatch Irony black&Red watch that I saw while windowshopping on Monday.I got it from Amazon also as it is much less expensive than in shops.It is black aluminum and looks quite professional and unique.

I will let you know how it rates in my books when I have time.

I'm going to bed.Starting to have empty gaps in my conscious.

(This didnt make it to Multiply last night...)
I love you!!
